Urban Medical God

Chapter 5208: Enemy attack! Invade!

And when I accidentally discovered your battle with the Burning Dragon tribe, I hid by your side for the purpose of observing you! "

"Watch me?"

Quan Zun said: "Quan is a little curious, whether you have the strength to help me."

As he said, he smiled slightly and said: "It seems that Ye Chen, you can really help me."

Ye Chen frowned and said, "Although I think I have some strength, I don\'t think I am qualified to help seniors..."

Ye Chen, although arrogant, still has a bit of self-knowledge. This kind of super-powerful Taizhen realm exists and needs help. Not to mention whether he can do it, the danger is imaginable!

Quan Zun seemed to have anticipated Ye Chen\'s answer. He smiled faintly: "Ye Chen, I think you went deep into the burning dragon to die for that kind of fire, right?"

Ye Chen\'s eyes flickered when he heard the words, and he didn\'t answer, but instead asked, "Why do seniors think so?"

Quan Zun\'s eyes flashed, and he smiled: "First of all, although your strength is far beyond the realm, after all, you haven\'t reached the true realm. You can enter such a deep position of the burning dragon\'s death. I must have that legend. Daoling fire, right?"

Ye Chen was silent for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes."

Quan Zun stared at Ye Chen and said, "That fire flame should be in the dragon emperor\'s palace. It is not easy to **** the fire from the dragon emperor! Even, it is impossible! You should have discovered it, just now. As soon as you entered the third city, you were already locked in. When you arrive at the main city of the Burning Dragon clan, you have no chance to approach the palace at all!"

Ye Chen frowned upon hearing this, "What do seniors mean?"

Quan Zun said: "If you are willing to help me, I can take you into the main city, and help you draw away the Dragon King! Finally..."

With that, the whole body of Quan Zun had aura together, and the whole person had risen quickly into the air!

He looked down at the surprised Ye Chen, smiled and said: "If your strength reaches a certain level of the Supreme Realm, you will be able to break through the limitations of the burning dragon\'s death ground, and fly here. After you successfully obtain the fire, you also need to escape the burning dragon Deadly means, right? I can take you away!"

Ye Chen heard the words, his eyes lighted up, his heart moved...

If he has the right to help each other, then his chances of getting the kind of fire will greatly increase!

After he pondered for a moment, he asked, "What is it that Senior is doing in this burning dragon dead?"

Quan Zun said with a smile: "Actually, I am almost like you, and I came here for a treasure. This treasure is also in the palace. If you want to get the fire, you must enter the palace. So, to you In terms of helping me, I don’t need to take much risk!"

Ye Chen asked curiously: "What treasure?"

What is it that allows a super power to go deep into the burning dragon to provoke the dragon king?

The Dragon Emperor is not easy to provoke. The Supreme Elder of Beiling Temple is the best proof.

Quan Zun said: "This treasure, named Long Yuanzhu, is an exotic treasure that the Burning Dragon Clan has enshrined in the palace for generations. It is useful to me. You can easily find the existence of this treasure when you enter the palace."

When Ye Chen heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he nodded: "Well, in that case, I\'m willing to help Senior get the Dragon Yuanzhu."

Quan Zun smiled with joy and said, "Okay! Then, let\'s go to the main city now and talk as we walk."

Ye Chen would naturally not object, and nodded.

The next moment, Quan Zun directly pulled Ye Chen, flew into the air, and disappeared into the horizon in a blink of an eye.

Outside a towering giant city, somewhere behind the shadow of a rock, two figures stand, and these two figures are obviously not the Burning Dragon clan.

This is where the main city of the Burning Dragon clan is located!

Quan Zun stared at the magnificent main city, and a dignified color appeared in his eyes. He looked at Ye Chen and said: "According to the plan, I will send you into the main city secretly in a while, avoiding the detection of magical instruments. , And then, lead the dragon emperor out of the city to fight against one, and you have to take advantage of this time to enter the palace, obtain the Taoist fire and dragon yuanzhu, and then leave the imperial city to go to our agreed Do you understand where you meet?"

Ye Chen nodded and said: "Understood."

"it is good!"

Having said that, Quan Zun offered a magical artifact, which hovered over the two of them, sprinkling a faint brilliance.

Ye Chen looked at this magic weapon, raised his eyebrows, and the magic weapon was surrounded by a chain of four laws. It was a fourth-rank magic weapon!

After sacrificing the artifact, Quan Zun took Ye Chen towards the main city, and soon passed directly over the main city, flying all the way towards the center of the main city~www.mtlnovel.com~ a towering palace. go with.

There is the palace where the Burning Dragon Emperor lives!

After the two of them were in the palace, after a certain position, Quan Zun spoke to Ye Chen: "This is the center of the palace, and there is also a treasure of protection. Even if I sneak into it with this magical artifact in my hand, there is a risk of being discovered. Now, I’m going to take the initiative to expose and draw the Dragon King out, and you will enter the palace in the chaos!"

Ye Chen nodded to Quan Zun.

Quan Zun looked at a magnificent palace in front of him, his complexion was also a bit condensed, the next moment, his figure moved, and he suddenly flew out of the light of the magic weapon!

The moment Quan Zun flew out, an alarm bell sounded in the entire palace, and at the same time, many Burning Dragon tribes rushed towards the place where Quan Zun was, shouting: "Enemy attack! Someone invaded my Burning Dragon Palace. !"

Seeing the court guards of the Burning Dragon clan, there was a sneer on Quan Zun’s face, and he blasted out with a palm of his hand. The surging laws condensed and turned into a shocking palm print, which suddenly appeared above the palace, trembling slightly, and then moved towards the numerous The guards repressed and left!

The swordsman guards of the Burning Dragon clan were preparing to attack Quan Zun, but at this moment, seeing those monstrous palm prints, there were extremely terrifying expressions on all faces, and their bodies began to tremble involuntarily!

The palm print hasn\'t really fallen yet, and some of the weaker guards have already turned into blood mist!

You know, even these "weak people" are not ordinary!

If you want to be a court guard, the minimum standard must really exist in half a step!

It can be seen how amazing the power of this palmprint is!

Seeing, that palm print was about to fall, and when thousands of guards were about to die, a roar broke out from the magnificent palace in front of him, and he made his debut: "Who is it! Dare to break into my Burning Dragon Palace!"

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