The Player's System

Chapter 99 - Force Blast

Force blast

The sixth region was different. There was only one building at some distance. The elders were standing as if they could secure it. The Altar was the sign of the Sixth wing.

Its fall meant that the third team was real challenge for the special day.

Their advancement was steady. The day did not end yet. Junan was thinking simply focus at the altar. It would save the ordeal. They did not need to search for the second task.

There were several temporary hurdles created with the threat signs. The Mala City and the second level was designed keeping human settlement in mind. The concept was simple and realistic.

The hurdles were made of iron molded in a way that no one could barge inside the altar. They could see the altar alone building, it did not give any vibes of importance as if the retainers were not actually saving this place.

It looked like a place under the orders of another order. They knew the one that was at the upper level and there were several ways to stop this third team.

Tonight the announcement was expected about the arrival of the second King. Two Empires were under the order and he also involved in the curse.

The curse bounded seven Empires and they were sure to collapse. The kings wanted to save their lives. They only spread false rumors about the Feast of Kings.

The intentions were clear. They wanted the support of the natives. With their support they were going to commit the most hateful ritual. The different between the reality and the lie was huge.

The kings were not only greedy but cruel to the point to throw their people in the danger. The decided not to care how many people would die even they ignored the threat of collapse.

This was the reason that the association of Arena Runners were coming in action. The players were the real heroes that always worked for the wellness of the Empires however when they noticed that the kings were going to commit rituals for their lives they came in action.

Five players were trying to crawl from the Pool of dead however it was not easy. "We are in the open now we can battle the way we are." Junan reminded that they could finally shake off the method of slow and careful advancement.

It was up to their choice according to the situation. Sometimes they hide and attack other times they bluntly show up in front of the enemy. Presently they were in the open.

The half of the team members turned the faces toward the altar while others were glaring retainers. "What\'s the strategy?" Someone asked. "Go and kill." Someone answered.

"That alter and the distance should be cleared first." Junan reminded. "So we are going to run toward altar? Clark asked to confirm. "This is what we are best at?" Orin confirmed.

"Watch out your words. We are heroic Runners." Albert punched his witty comment. "Any way the kid will provide some handy blasts and the living retainers should meet your weapon." Junan cleared their job.

The retainers were clearly angry at the atrocious runners. It had never been headache when the Duke was around. It was not that they were less strong but the characteristics of the runners were different. Their type of battling was crafty sometimes.

In the middle of the distance the iron hurdles started shaking. These hurdles were bound with the Pool of Dead. Till this day no one dared to step on the sixth wing especially after the announcement. Only retainers were allowed to patrol and make the place safer. Pool of Dead confirmed that third team reached in the sixth wing. It was calling them or perhaps threatening them.

The iron hurdles gave signs that if they tried to damage the altar then they would be fool to dig their graves. Pool of Dead was active because the princess was keeping strict control on it. Almost all entrances of the Mala city were guarded in this month.

The Pool of Dead was the second strongest security lair around the Mala city. The enemies could not enter the main hub without offending the princess.

She was self-conceited and arrogant. The path for Itaten Farm was straight from the Pool of Dead. All three paths were close strictly. The only one path was open. It was kept open in case the elders wanted to inform the princess something important. Tonight Itaten farm would open up to welcome the second King.

His royal carriage would enter in the Mala city and the princess was asked to receive him. Hundreds of servants were doing chores to welcome and prepare the second Palace.

They were slave for the Palaces and perhaps they will also face the fate if the ritual did not go well. The ground under the palace would swallow it up along with the cursed king.

The three kings feared that day. They did not want to die. The elder sent someone to inform the princess. The princess went to take tour and check the preparations.

One of the retainers smashed bastard sword on the ground and the crevice appeared on it. Albert stepped back. The iron hurdles shook again. Retainer was trying to open the gates of Pool of Dead.

The gates were present around the iron hurdles. "Holy crap. I do not want to die before killing them." Orin spoke. The ground under his feet shook. "Jake use all your weapons. I will give you cover. The altar should be destroyed or else the task will remain incomplete." Junan explained and beckoned young player.

Jake was ready to put his effort. Albert and Clark stood actively in case the retainers act faster. Junan and Jake ran toward the opposite side. Ahram threw his chain and captured Sashi. She staggered on the shaking ground ready to fell in the crevice.

"You should also go behind team head. The younger player needed help." Sashi suggested. She was there to help others. The ground was shaking and it was troublesome for Jake to carry on the run.

Ahram nodded and went toward them. Retainer saw them splitting in two groups. They wanted to stop them so they steeped ahead to battle. The players got busy because they did not want retainers to create trouble in completing the task.

The elder throw some spell or perhaps it was type of weapon that could use as long range. Several blades followed. Round shaped blades were sharp.

Jake saw Ahram reaching them. He was satisfied because throwing grenades and ammunition pouch at distance was difficult for him. Ahram shook his chain he was ready. Junan got busy in fending off the round blades.

He saw Ahram joining and nodded. Now it was perfect half team. The grenades fell near the altar. Two followed right after. Jake was bent on to test as to how many he needed to blast the altar.

All grenades used up however only a corner of the building got damaged. "It will take more time." Jake murmured. "We don\'t have time. The retainers are reaching us." Junan saw the elder leaving altar.

The elder initially thought to stand on the altar and defend however seeing that the building was getting damage they decided to come forward and save the building from direct attack.

They forgot their presence was actually the strength of the altar. As soon as they walked forward the ammunition pouches fell near the building. The damage might not have been bigger however their negligence left the building at the mercy of blast.

They looked back and forth. Slowly all parts of the building set on fire. Now they were no more elders of the altar instead normal retainers. Junan noticed this difference and welcomed them for fair battle.

The sixth wing was no more fort of the entrances of the Mala City. The blasts shook the entire ground blasting the gates too. The iron hurdles fell in the crevices. Junan slipped too.

The fall was not dangerous for them but it was sudden. The retainers disappeared. Third team was able to destroy the altar and the princess could not reach on time.

By the time she got the news it was too late. The team fell in the two different parts of the place. They thought differently about the pool of dead when they first hear about it.

They imagined that there must be a pool with dead bodies or something similar. However it was different. They fell of ground with the people standing against the walls. They were motionless.

Not talking or bargain in the markets. No house but the craped walls. The old worn out walls were not welcoming instead seemed ominous.

The smell of the rotten flesh was part of the place. There were several riddles spreading around the walls along with the motionless or perhaps dead people.

It was strange that they were still standing against the walls.

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