The Player's System

Chapter 113 - Rush 2

Junan looked back and saw few soldiers reaching him. These came from the opposite side. Jake found that the soldiers were hiding in each of the factory. They were coming out of the gates as if already victorious against the runners.

"Our pace will be faster now. I need to destroy each part of this settlement." Jake told Albert. Orin got shocked. He went to inform Ahram. It could bring threat for Ahram because he was sprinting at the rooftops.

Ahram was informed also he was changed his direction toward the team head. He was alone at the different part of the area. Sashi was keeping eyes at Ahram because she needed to follow him. "Wait you there." She shouted to get his attention. Sashi was in different street and the distance would increase immensely since Ahram was going to sprint at the other part.

Ahram stopped and looked at her. She shook her shoulders. "There is some changes in the formation wait let me bring you up." He threw his chain. The chain fastened around her waist.

Ahram pulled her at the rooftop. It was sudden action by Ahram. Sashi got stumped and held his chest. "At least you can speak your actions first." She complained. Ahram blinked, "I was short of time." They were at the rooftop that was about to collapse because Jake threw ammunition pouch. This could destroy near roofs too.

Ahram might have scratched his hair and looked around few moments at her expressions however he heard the warning from Orin. He circled his arm around her waist and sprinted toward the expected area where he could find team head.

Sashi was about to react at the warning of the fogy guy Orin however she could find time. She was already taken by her waist. At the same time roof crumbled from under their feet. She held Ahram immediately. She was always bad at calculating the real detail of the Clime Weapons.

She learned to use crossbow and arrows she was best at calculating detail time lapse using them. "Our little player is going to destroy everything because soldiers are sneaking toward the expected person." Ahram spoke to change the attention. Sashi nodded.

"I hope Albert could better protect him with the shield." She commented. They were sprinting from various rooftops. They could see soldiers appearing out of nowhere and blocking.

It might have been difficult for the team members if they happened to be gathered at one place. Everyone was heading toward the victim. Soldiers wanted to kill him and runners wanted to save him. The victim heard the nearest blast.

He got worried because it was apparent that the Duke found out his hiding place. He thought to run away before the death could strike him harder.

Ahram was able to see the person. Team head and the slave were in the back street while he was leaving from the next street. They could have missed him because he was running toward opposite.

The slave mentioned his appearance so it was easy to spot him. "Team head I am going to capture the person. He is leaving toward the enemies. Before they could surround him I will save him." He spoke and left Sashi behind.

Junan heard and stopped in the same street. Since person was near he prepared to welcome soldiers too. Sashi remained on the alert. Battling in the narrow streets was tough she would provide cover from above. Jake was able to block further advancement of the soldiers. Wherever they rushed to follow behind rest of the team members they found it impossible because the building crashed on their heads.

Maximum paths were blocked for them. Ahram landed right in front of the victim. He was worried and out of senses. Fear of death was pasted on his face. "Who are you?" he asked trembling. "We are runners. The soldiers are coming to kill, you already know? Only runners could save you. You are going toward your enemies." Ahram pointed his present direction.

The man understood what did it means enemies. "Bring me away from them." He pleaded. Ahram led him toward Junan. Soon they joined with the team head. Now the complete area was filled with the soldiers.

They seemed not dying anymore or it was the numbers that were increasing. The man looked slave and understood. Now he could trust runners.

"We should leave this area as soon as possible. Inform rest of three." Junan gestured Ahram. Albert and Jake were doing some dangerous job. They almost destroyed more than half part of the area. There was thick forest at the left side of the factory area. Jake looked at the smoky sky, it was filling with the fire and smoke caused from the blasts.

He was going to ask whether they should look for the team head or not when Ahram came in front. "Our concerned person is save now. We are leaving toward thick forest. Hurry I will show you path." The soldiers were again gathering to circle around them.

Jake threw last grenade and ran. It blocked the narrow street and the soldiers rushed to search open street.

Winding distance took them long time. It was enough for the team members to leave the vicinity. In this cat and mice chase team members were leading right now.

The soldiers reached the working quarters but could not find the victim there. They were sure that runners captured him. They sent someone to inform the Duke.

More than half part was set on fire. The burned bodies of soldiers were stinking. The soldiers finally witnessed the cruel methods of the runners. They wanted to follow them in thick forest however without Duke\'s permission they did not want to take risk.

The runners were fearless. Itaten Farm had been under the strict orders of the Duke. None of the native could think to go against his order however it was getting nasty.

It was apparent that some natives were helping Runners this was troublesome for the Duke.

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