RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

Chapter 526 A Peaceful Time

Blake held his head as he looked at Mina who was throwing him under the boss. It was not like he meant for this to happen it just seemed to always happen. Frotatur on the other hand chuckled. He had a genuine smile on his face seeing how friendly and free the people of this city were. They were unlike the other clans who were stuck up about things. He even felt comfortable since it was many races here and not just one. He looked at Blake who was being scolded by his wives while rubbing his head when a thought came to mind. He would not mind having a bit more connection to this place. 

With this thought in mind, Frotatur decided he would take his leave to begin settling things. "I will be leaving to go speak with my council. We will send a message so that we can set up a meeting between myself and the one I plan to send as an ambassador."\\

"Then I will be waiting to hear from you." Blake floated over to Frotatur and stuck out his hand. The two men shook hands. "Have a safe trip. If you run into any issues let us know. We will be sure to help you if you need it."

"I will. I am glad we could work things out." Frotatur bowed his head slightly before taking his leave. He was in a good mood. He planned to speak to his daughter Ariel and see what she thought about living on land. She had just turned of age so she would be the perfect ambassador. 

While Frotatur was plotting how to become more one with Destiny City, Mina was sitting on Blake\'s head with her arms and legs crossed and her nose in the air. "I have a feeling he is scheming something."

"Haha." Blake let out a laugh. "Well he can\'t harm Destiny City or anyone in it so let him scheme. At any rate, we should take a look at the ground below." 

They had just risen into the sky when Frotatur had come to complain, but now that things were settled he wanted to take a look at the ground below. "Papa!" Many small voices called out as Blake was soon covered with young girls hanging on to his body. Each one was growing up quickly and soon would not be able to do this anymore. 

"Have you girls put on some weight?" Blake joked only to be slapped by Tina on the back of his head. 

"Don\'t say that to your daughters! What if they get eating disorders because of you!?" Tina scolded causing the girls to giggle. They knew no matter how big they got their papa would still love them.

The entire Harris family decided to have a picnic at the edge of the land, allowing them to oversee the ground below. They were currently flying over the ocean away from the devils that were slowly pouring in from the gate to the underworld. Today\'s cooks were surprisingly Vinea, Olia, and Yiki. It seemed the girls had all been trying their best to appeal to Blake and the family\'s needs. 

"Blake, should I announce it?" Lillia asked as she leaned over next to him and whispered into his ear.

"Go ahead," Blake replied. This was something he had been meaning to do for a long time but never had the chance to but now it was time to set things straight.

Lillia smiled and kissed his cheeks before standing up. "Sisters, please listen up. Blake and all the official wives have decided that there will no longer be concubines. All current concubines will now be official wives. This was something that was long decided but so much has stopped us from being able to officially announce it. We figured the concubine system was pretty much useless since you are all with us all the time anyway. 

"So as such with all of us together we will build our family to the limit and allow for us to see generation after generation of our children grow and have children of their own. And maybe one day we will pass down the leadership of Destiny City to one of those children if they do decide to. But for now, I think allowing our kids to pick the path they want most is the most important. So, Olia, Yiki, Titi, Lin, Helen, congratulations, and sorry it took so long."

The five girls burst out in tears. While they were never treated wrongly, the idea of only being concubines always did weigh down on them, and now…. They were able to truly say they were Blake\'s wives.

Off to the side sitting by a tree, Destiny, Joy, Angelica, and Hope sat by a tree while their sisters ran around playing tag. "Hope you are not going to go play with them?"

Hope shook her head. Her head was lowered as she continued to draw on her drawing pad. "I still need to finish this before the deadline."

"You really work hard…." Joy sighed as she leaned against her dragonic helper. Hope was one of the most famous manga artists in the city and thanks to Tina always giving her ideas she has had a long running series for a while now. Out of all the sisters, she was the one with the most self income. 

"Well, don\'t work too hard, it\'s not good for your health." Destiny rubbed Hope\'s head but was completely ignored. She could only sigh and look at Angelica who was swaying back and forth. "What about you Angelica? Not going to play?"

"No…. I just want to watch the clouds." Angelica seemed to be at peace just staring up at the sky. But she was still young so she had not really thought about anything more than what was right in front of her.

"I hope things will always stay this peaceful." Destiny sighed once more as she fed Atolie a cookie. Atolie happily took it and nibbled on it like a chipmunk.

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