Extreme Flame Wizard

Chapter 64: The Concession and the Wizard

And among the buildings, there is specifically one designated to meet with foreign delegates.

It is a very extravagant and luxurious building as a show of power and wealth but…..

For those who were gathered here today, those things held absolutely no meaning to them.

Celia: “Information provided to the [Demon Race]. If it was just any other regular [Demon Race], we could have overlooked this, but intel was delivered to the [Demon King’s Revival] Group. That is a severe crime against humanity as a whole.”

Kurara: “.......they should have……..chosen…...better…..to whom….to sell…..the info….”

There, the Lyherian Officials faced the [Extreme]s.

As if they preplanned the meeting, they both appeared at the Government building at the same time.

Celia: “The [Demon King’s Revival] Group had a [Cursed Soul Stone] <Lacava>.”

Kurara: “.......it was…….most fortunate…….that…….it was us…..who dealt…….with them.”

Across from the [Extreme]s are the top Government officials.

Grand Duke Marlo Lyheria.

The large man shrunk into his seat as if trying to make his massive presence disappear into the cushion as he continued to endure the piercing glares from the two.

Celia: “The [Cursed Soul Stone] <Lacava> is a forbidden technology. I’m certain that everyone here knows that assisting or supporting such efforts is equally forbidden?”

Kurara: “A quasi-like…….magic…..it is…….not something….you can use…...without….a heavy…..sacrifice.”

Marlo: “.....thーthat’s…..”

To escape the cutting glares from each of the [Extreme]s, the Grand Duke speaks up.

Marlo: “That…….we did not……...know that…..” Celia: “Oh! They did not know! I see…”

Celia’s laugh booms and echoes across the room.

All of the Grand Duke’s subordinates all turn ghostly white at that moment.

It was Celia who forced them to drag out Marlo - arguably the most incompetent politician of their generation.

The Empire’s 1st Imperial Princess came to meet with their small country. Even if the top official greeted Celia, it would not be nearly enough to match her power and status.

Celia: “You did not know? I see. That is truly unfortunate!”

Kurara: ‘........fu fu…..what a…….truly convenient…...word…….they…….did not.....know…….”

Celia exaggerates her surprise, and Kurara chuckles to dismiss the comment.

The [Cursed Soul Stone] <Lacava> that the Marionette ingested and became capable of using [Quasi-Magic] was deemed internationally as forbidden.

A leader of any country would not be able to escape the consequences by just claiming that [they did not know].

Celia: “He says he was completely oblivious to the fact. Now, what can we do?”

Kurara: “Celia…….could you…...place Lyheria…….under…….the Empire….?”

Celia: “Well, that certainly is an option. We can justify it by saying that the Principality had secret connections to an underground organization that was responsible for the production of the [Cursed Soul Stone] <Lacava>. Of course, I may need to add a few more embellishments to the story.”

Both laugh merrily.

Marlo’s face now turned into an ashen white color from his previous blood-drawn blue.

Being placed under the Empire’s control is no different than Lyheria itself disappearing as a country altogether.

And worst of all, Lyheria had no military power to oppose such demands.

Of course they didn’t. They didn’t have <a single [Extreme] serving under their country>.

If Celia or Kurara came alone to invade their country……...there is very little they could do.

Their hands were empty.

Celia: “Fu fu fu. It is a joke, Grand Duke.”

Kurara: “If we do……...we will…….need more…...preparations…”

Having Kurara and Celia dismiss the idea was enough for the Grand Duke to breathe a sigh of relief inside his mind. But his subordinates remained nervous.

Of course.

They have not been asked for <ANYTHING> in return.

Celia: “But if I was to go back to the Empire to report this, I expect that it could lead to many things, Grand Duke.”

Kurara: “The Elves…..absolutely…….loathe……….the [Cursed Soul Stones] <Lacava>....they may…….even become…...your enemies……”

Both only speak with only speculation. All of which that has been mentioned so far are still in the realms of possibilities.

Marlo: “........what…...do you want?” Celia: “Hm?”

Marlo: “What…….would you like us to offer you…..in compensation, my ladies?”

With oily sweat oozing out from the pores of his face, the Grand Duke laid the words humbly before Celia and Kurara.

Celia: “Hmmm….well, Grand Duke. Let’s see. How about the confidential research data you have been collecting behind the scenes?” Marlo: “...........?! WHAT?! BーBut that’s…….”

Celia: “What? Did you think that we wouldn’t know about it?” Research on forbidden Spells and methods are internationally forbidden.

It is forbidden, but <ALL> countries are secretly researching it.

Marlo: “........BーBut…..but that’s……..”

Celia: “A trump card you would like to keep in your hand?”

Marlo: “................” The Grand Duke falls silent.

Celia: “Oh, but don’t misunderstand us. We do not care about the Principalities research or its findings whatsoever.”

Celia does not know the details, but she has already gained enough intelligence.

According to the reports, the Principalities research is about…….2 to 3 years behind. That is why gaining such data would not help them progress one bit.

Marlo: “.........then…..”

Celia: “It is a chain. A chain to keep around the neck of our precious new pet. Do you understand?” Kurara: “Then…….I shall……..also take……...the same……….”

Marlo: “.................I…………...understand……..”

Does the Grand Duke even realize?

At this negotiation table, the end result was giving the Empire and Elves more material to blackmail them in the future.

But this was all the Principality could offer in compensation....or rather, conceded without losing their country completely.

Celia: “I look forward to our mutual prosperity, Grand Duke.”

For the Grand Duke, Celia and Kurara’s smile was nothing less than the Devil’s malicious laugh.


“ “ “ “ …………………………” ” ” ”

Lunchtime in the cafeteria.

Igni and his Party came back to the Kingdom, and it was the day after their return.

Ms. Elenoir volunteered and offered to take care of all the administrative paperwork on their behalf, and Igni felt guilt-ridden knowing how much work that was and ate lunch with his friends.

It was Elina who came over and with a downcast shadow weighing heavily over her, she ate lunch at Igni’s table.

Elina: “.......my #1………..I was……….I was supposed to be #1………”

And if she spoke, this is all that came out.

Iris: “........hey, Alicia. Why don’t you do something and ask what’s wrong?” Alicia: “Wha―?! ME?! Why don’t you do it, Iris!”

Edward: “Igni, why can’t you ask her what’s bothering her? Aren’t you good friends with her??” Igni: “Edward, even I can read the mood……...right now……..would not be a good time.”

Yoori: “eek……..”

Yoori lets out a confused shrill.

Igni: (Yeah, seriously. What should we do about this?)

Yes, it’s true that Popular men are great at hearing out girl\'s problems, troubles and worries, but this is also a double-edged sword that if not handled carefully, it could backfire rapidly……….

Elina: “#1……..my #1 spot…………..#1……”

Erumi: “Are you still griping about the examination results, Miss 2nd Seat?”

And with a loud <DON!> (sfx), Erumi sets her plate down on the table.

Elina: “.........#2…...that’s right…….I’m just a……..#2…….”

Igni: “Hey Erumi. It’s been a while……” Erumi: “Yeah it has. You look like you’re doing well, Igni.”

Igni: “You too. ………..so…….what happened while we were gone…..?”

At Igni’s question, Erumi shrugs her shoulders.

Erumi: “Just like I said before. We had routine examinations, and as a result, Elina is official #2.”

Igni: “Who’s #1?”

Erumi: “Estea.”

Igni: “Ohhh, the [Legion] Estea.”

Elina was the one who told Igni about one of the representative pillars of the Golden Generation.

Within Igni’s database of girl’s names he would never, EVER forget, he found the matching name in an instant query.

Erumi: “And, after losing to her during the exam, Elina has been like this since.”

Elina: “#2……...worthless………..trash……….worthless girl……….”

Elina continues to grumble darkly.

Igni couldn’t help but feel pity for her.

Alicia: “.......hーhey...wait…..we…..haven’t taken the exam yet……”

And Alicia brought up an excellent point of concern.

Igni: “We were on a Quー......(cough)....on official business, so we were excused from the Practical Tests of the examinations.”

Igni almost said, “Quest” but he choked down the word immediately.

For 1st years, the word “Quest” would trigger unwanted questions and potentially riots.

Alicia: “But we still have the written portion remaining then?” Igni: “Yeah.” Alicia: “I haven’t studied at all…….” Igni: “Me neither.”

Iris: “WhーWhat are we going to do, Sir Igni?”

Igni:”.........we’ll have to do it……”

Iris: “Huh?” Igni: “We’ll…..have to study.”

A fate that no student can ever escape was now right before their eyes……

The Ultimate Secret to Popularity #1 ーー"Women love strong men. And they especially love those who try their best.”

Igni: (I guess I’ll do my best……)

Though he presented himself as confident, he consumed the rest of his lunch in resigned grief.

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