Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 198 Poison

Chapter 198 Poison

The next morning, after a night’s rest at his uncle’s house, Lin Rui said hello to his uncle and went out again. However, his uncle simply told him to pay attention to safety and then left him alone. Now these young adults are much more mature than they used to be. There are countless things to occupy their time every single day and Lin Rui’s uncle doesn’t interfere with him too much.

Lin Rui, who went out early, bought a cup of yogurt at the roadside supermarket and simply made it into his breakfast. Then he glanced at the arm guard-like thing on his right arm, and there were a few small green dots on it. In fact, this arm is camouflaged by the Allies’ arm guard. Lin Rui also knows the whereabouts of Captain Rogers and Director Fury through this arm guard. After all, Lin Rui has contacted Director Fury as Mirage Knight before. It’s very easy to get Fury’s things, and Rogers has given Lin Rui several signatures, which can be said to be due to luck.

“Well, they didn’t change their position in the evening. It should be the hiding place arranged by Director Fury. However, looking at the intensity of his green dot, it seems that he hasn’t recovered yet.” Carefully looking at the dot representing Captain Rogers and the green dot of Director Fury, Lin Rui mummers while drinking yogurt.

Captain Roger’s green dot is bright and big enough. But Fury’s green dot is very dim and small. If you don’t pay attention to it, you may ignore the past, which shows that Fury is not out of danger. However, Lin Rui doesn’t care about Fury’s injury now and he will be ok as long as he doesn’t die.

“Forget it, let’s go there first, or I won’t know if they have any follow-up plans.” Standing at the gate of the small supermarket, Lin Rui finished drinking yogurt and walked to the nearest subway station.


Hidden in a secret base under an old building on the outskirts of Washington, Fury was lying in a white hospital bed with pipes all over his body. Although Fury’s life should not be in danger from the various instruments on the side, he was in a coma all the time, and his vital signs were not strong. I don’t know whether his injury is too serious or whether the plan of this feign death has a lot of influence on him. Anyway, the paramedics on the other side didn’t have a good expression on his face as he looked at Fury in bed.


Just then, Captain Rogers and Natasha, who had been resting in the secret base for a night, had come over from the outside. Last night, they already looked at Fury’s situation. After seeing that Fury was not in any danger, they were completely relieved. Agent Kate also gave Captain Rogers and Natasha a brief explanation of Fury’s plan. Feigning death was only an alternative plan of Fury. Unexpectedly, Hydra’s assassination was so sharp that it had to be finally used.

After a general understanding of Fury’s plan, Captain Rogers and Natasha were worried about those who were still inside SHIELD, but they did not do anything indiscriminately. They all planned to wait for Fury to wake up and explain to them what to do next, and what the information that Natasha got was, which Natasha would like to know.

However, when they walked to Fury’s ward again, their faces changed. Fury’s situation at this time is not only worse than last night, but it has worsened. This should not have happened.

“What’s wrong with him!? Didn’t you say last night that Fury’s condition is very stable, and he should be able to wake up this morning? ” Walking towards Fury’s bed, Rogers looked at Fury’s pale face and asked the paramedics who were standing by. Natasha didn’t speak, but she didn’t look very well. She was obviously worried about Fury’s situation.

“Captain Rogers, let me talk about it.” Just as the paramedics retreated under the intense pressure of Captain Rogers’s momentum, Agent Kate’s voice came from behind them. Then Agent Kate walked into the ward, but it seemed that she had not slept all night.

“Agent Kate Agent, why is Fury’s situation worse?” Since someone is willing to explain, Captain Rogers turned and asked Agent Kate.

“After you came last night, Director Fury’s situation has been very stable and under our careful care, he was in the rapid recovery process. Whether it’s the stimulus potential serum he used before or the gunshot wound later, it was all under control. There was no other danger.” Looking at Fury in bed, Agent Kate said quietly.

“What’s the matter with him now? Don’t tell me that’s how he recovered all night.” Steve asked, pointing to Fury in bed.

Rubbing her brows, the agent looks back from Fury to Captain Rogers and adds, “that’s what I’m going to say. Just when we thought Director Fury was recovering, two hours ago, his condition took a turn for the worse, and we still don ‘t know why.”

“Two hours ago? And you are telling me now?!” Steve was obviously angry when he heard Agent Kate. If Fury was really in danger, then his next plan will not be perfect, especially if he reveals Hydra’s information completely, but it needs Fury’s level-A permission.

“At first, we thought that there was something wrong with the treatment, so we tried our best to change it, but there was no progress. Now we can only maintain his current situation and make it so that his condition no longer continues to deteriorate. Besides, you are not a professional doctor. It’s just about the same whether I tell you now or later. “Agent Kate didn’t care about Rogers’s tone and continued to explain with a tired face. In order to save Fury, Agent Kate have been here with these professional medical staff for one night, but they can only make his condition no longer worsen, as for the recovery, it can’t be done temporarily.

“Then have you found the reason? The reason for the sudden deterioration of Director Fury’s situation is that nothing has happened to him.” Just as Captain Roger was about to say something else, Natasha, standing next to him, suddenly chimed in. Hearing Natasha’s words, Rogers who was just about to speak, remained silent for a while.

“The specific situation has not been analyzed. However, we all agree that Director Fury’s current situation may be related to poison.” When she heard Natasha, Agent Kate hesitated to say the results of the medical staff.

However, although they judged Fury was poisoned, they couldn’t recognize what the poison was, and they couldn’t begin to treat it at all. Now they are just using a strong anti-venom to help Fury protect the vitality of his body. Once the anti-venom doesn’t work, Fury’s situation will get worse again, and they won’t have any other way.

“Poisoning?!” Rogers and Natasha’s face changed after Agent Kate said that Fury might be poisoned. They obviously know the difficulty of this situation, which can make the elite of SHIELD almost helpless, so Fury’s situation is really dangerous.

“Are you sure? How was Fury poisoned?” Asking two questions in a row showed Captain Rogers’s fears.

“Almost certain. As for the timing, we suspect that the Hydra guy who was operating on Director Fury at SHIELD may have been among the paramedics who poisoned him at that time. But we also used a controllable toxin to put Director Fury into suspended animation, although we didn’t find out.” Agent Kate has apparently studied Fury’s poisoning history and answers the question immediately after being asked by Captain Rogers. While at SHIELD, in order for Fury’s fake death to go undetected, they also used a controllable toxin, only to find out later that Hydra was also doing the same thing.

Hearing the Agent’s words, Captain Rogers and Natasha became even paler. No wonder Hydra didn’t intervene in Fury’s treatment. And after Fury’s death, they didn’t mind. They must have thought they’d done it themselves. But while they didn’t ‘t kill Fury then, they’re still putting Fury’s life in jeopardy.

Rogers looked at Fury on the bed with a sense of powerlessness. If this continues like this, Fury will definitely not be able to survive this.

“That’s how it turned out. No wonder.”

Just as Steve and Natasha stood on Fury’s bed and frowned, a familiar voice came in from the outside.


Upon hearing this sound, Captain Rogers turned and looked outwards, and Natasha and the Agent beside her were all doing the same thing.

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