The Daily Life of the Immortal King

Chapter 126: Wang Situ in a Fury over a Beauty

Wang Ling had always felt that Father Wang\'s fan readers were very scary in that they were a special kind of collective. In the same way that Wang Ling\'s realm kept increasing on its own accord, so did the number of fans that followed Father Wang... for a Weibo account that had been inactive for six months, it was strange enough that the number of followers hadn\'t decreased but had risen instead, but there were also still so many \'gatekeepers\' on the front line giving Father Wang thumbs-ups and commenting, to the extent that his old computer almost crashed!

But this wasn\'t the main point...

The point was that Father Wang felt the time had come for him to mobilize the strength of his fans!

After adjusting his writing style and diction, Father Wang\'s fingers flew over the keyboard swift as lightning; after a short ten minutes, he had quickly written and posted a long Weibo piece titled "Wang Situ in a Fury over a Beauty 1 ." At the bottom, he attached a photo which he had taken with his wristwatch of a profile image Wang Ling had drawn using the Profile Technique.

The moment Father Wang clicked \'publish,\' he felt like Li Yunlong 2 , leading a million fans into Pingan county to rescue his wife; it somehow felt very stirring and exciting!

Because the post was too long, the number of comments and thumbs-ups this time didn\'t come in as quickly and fervently as they had for his Weibo greeting earlier.

However, five minutes later, Father Wang\'s computer crashed again!

It had to be said that Father Wang was in the end Father Wang, a novelist guru who was ranked number one on the Cultivation Reading Network\'s bestsellers list. This long Weibo post had been written in a very natural and smooth style; not only had meticulous thought gone into it, it also contained a clear argument. Moreover, it revealed a husband\'s helplessness and a ruthless denouncement of an indifferent society.

And the gist of this long Weibo post could be summed up in one sentence: Brothers, my wife was taken advantage of! What to do?!

Countless comments came flooding in!

"F**k! This mohawk already looks nasty enough, who would have thought his heart is also so obscene! Is there any expert who can dox him?!"

"Dox, dox, must dox!"

"I\'m sorry, Guru Wang Situ! I shouldn\'t blame you for your ungelivable 3 updates... I didn\'t think you would be facing such a huge issue! Forwarding the post for Guru Wang Situ!"

To be honest, Father Wang was both fired up and touched when he saw how united users were in the comments calling for a dox; this was the first time that he could see how unified his fans were other than in just subscribing to his novels.

Wang Ling saw the thumbs-ups, forwards and comments on Father Wang\'s long post visibly and rapidly rise in a short quarter of an hour.

Playing around on Weibo wasn\'t a privilege limited to just the common people; many almighty cultivators now were also in the habit of refreshing Weibo.

And among Father Wang\'s fans, it wasn\'t just students who read his novels as a way of relieving stress.

Very quickly, one Weibo user with more than ten million fans and the profile information "Head of Exploding Sky Sect Xu Que" left Father Wang a message and forwarded his post: "After cultivating, I always look for interesting novels on the Cultivation Reading Network to read as a way to relax and calm my Dao heart. When I had encountered the most difficult bottleneck in my cultivation, I suddenly discovered Let Go of that Wet Nurse by Guru Wang Situ, and it helped me break through that final bottleneck. This is a very dedicated author! Wang Situ\'s family is currently being bullied, so as head of Exploding Sky Sect, I am now formally announcing a Heavenly Way Bounty on Weibo. If anyone can provide information on the obscene man whom Guru Wang Situ has written about, a reward of one million HNY will be directly transferred to you online!"

In a flash!

Complete pandemonium erupted on Weibo!

Heavenly Way Bounty!

It had been a very long time since anyone had heard of this...

The Heavenly Way Bounty had existed once upon a time during the chaotic period in the ancient cultivation world known as the Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought. This was a special pursuit warrant that only a religious sect leader or a pope could issue, and it could gain traction very quickly in a short span of time. Once a person became wanted under this warrant, he would become the public enemy of cultivators, and could be killed by anyone.

Previous records from the ancient cultivation world showed that no one who had had a Heavenly Way Bounty placed on them had been able to survive.

Nowadays, however, because of lawful restrictions, the Heavenly Way Bounty wasn\'t legally recognized. Nevertheless, it was still an unwritten tradition of the cultivation world. At present, people who were wanted under the Heavenly Way Bounty didn\'t have to die, but dirt on them would be dug up, even as far back as eighteen generations of their ancestors. There was an online joke that if there was someone now who was wanted under the Heavenly Way Bounty, it was possible to even count the number of bone ash particles inside their ancestors\' cremation urn.

If the previous Heavenly Way Bounty had been a hunt and kill order, then nowadays, it was the ultimate dox boost!

Hence, when he saw the message that this head of Exploding Sky Sect had sent, Wang Ling couldn\'t help feeling chagrined despite himself; in a sense, this kind of ultimate dox boost was much more terrifying than just killing a man.

Very quickly, numerous comments popped up below Head of Exploding Sky Sect Xu Que.

"Boss has come! I never thought that even the head would have also read Guru Wang Situ\'s novels! We\'re kindred spirits!"

"Supporting Head of Exploding Sky Sect\'s righteous words! Catch this obscene man alive! Give Guru Wang Situ\'s family justice!"

In just one hour, Wang Ling saw that the trending topics on Weibo\'s hot search list had been completely taken over by Father Wang after countless post forwards.

Trending Topic 1: Wang Situ in a Fury over a Beauty

Trending Topic 2: Head of Exploding Sky Sect Xu Que Announces Heavenly Way Bounty

Trending topic 3: Women, Guard Against Wandering Hands with this Simple Trick


Meanwhile, Wang Ling was also refreshing Weibo on his wristwatch, and he saw quite a few of his acquaintances from the cultivation forum and chat group in the Weibo comment area for that "Heavenly Way Bounty" by the head of Exploding Sky Sect.

Bulang Blade Immortal: "Supporting Friend Xu speaking up for justice for Guru Wang Situ. Guru Wang Situ\'s books are really so good — I hope this incident can be settled quickly so that Guru Wang Situ can hurry up and update!"

Cailian Zhenren: "F**k! What are the cultivation police doing?! Does he think there\'s no one in our cultivation world who will teach him a lesson? Even dared to touch Guru Wang Situ\'s wife — if I this old mother know where this obscene man lives, I\'ll definitely show up at his door with a sword and cut off his abalone mushrooms 4 !"

Lightning Dharmaraja: "Fellow cultivators, calm down; if you catch this man, the most effective thing you can do is send him to me for electrocution. Supporting Guru Wang Situ\'s legal rights! By the way, let me take this opportunity to advertise my Quit the Internet Center..."

Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal: "Supporting fellow Xu Que! I especially like Let Go of that Wet Nurse by Guru Wang Situ — the moment when Zhuge Liang used the Beating Dragon Eighteen Palms to do a slam dunk was just too cool!"

Wang Ling: "..." Bloody hell! There\'s no Zhuge Liang 5 in the book! You\'re just shamelessly mooching off the atmosphere for your own purpose!

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