The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 225 Leaving The Central Area

The Purple Lightning Sword was produced by combining Swordforce, the Swordforce-covered sword-shaped Energy Explosion Projectiles and the Willful Sword\'s lightning properties taken from that Tribulation Lightning.

I didn\'t have the chance to use it against the World\'s Will since she only summoned my consciousness.

This time, by adding the lightning properties and the acquired uniqueness of the Willful Sword, it\'s stronger than any Purple Sword.

Now that I think about it, the Sword Skill that I created against the World\'s Will is still unnamed. Should I just call it Excalibur? Also, what it recognized is not the combination of the Purple Swords but the concepts of Dense, Sharp and Swift. If I use it again, unless I incorporate the Purple Swords too, it will just be a normal Sword Skill with that concept which uses a Swordforce. Like how the Flash Draw only incorporates the concept of Swift and the Counter, which incorporate the concept of well… Counterattack.

Err… I\'ll think about that later.

With the Purple Lightning Sword in hand, I arrived next to the Dark World elite using only a single step. The guy was busy fighting against a clone that just defending had already taken all of his focus.

Well, at this point, he\'s as weak as the other elites so before he could even realize that I am next to him, the Purple Lightning Sword swiftly cut through his body. Like cutting tofu, the sword drew a straight line on his waist. Following that was the unceasing explosion where the Purple Lightning Sword passed through.

I didn\'t wait for that kind of aftermath, as I had already moved over to the other six. Weaving through the chaotic battlefield like taking a leisure walk. Every time my feet took a step, one elite would stop in his or her tracks.

When I reached the last guy, the Noxian youth who was the first to be flung away, the explosions had just started to be ignited and simultaneously rang out.


The words got stuck in his mouth as his eyes dilated from undisguised shock when he witnessed what was happening behind me.

"Ssh. You will follow them soon."

Though I said that, even before the last world left my mouth, the Purple Lightning Sword already cut through him. His bladed staff which he somehow managed to lift was also cut in two.

Using only seven steps, seven Rank 5 Mortals were sliced in half and their bodies dropped to the ground, two of which were about to reach the threshold for becoming a Transcendence.

While the explosions and their screams of pain continuously rang out, I went back next to Fleur and took out the All-Black Metagen.

I don\'t need to look at those elites anymore. If they didn\'t die from being cut into two, those Energy Explosions will do it for me.

While the Ultimate Metagen is being decompressed, the two dots that were coming from the largest castle have finally entered our view.

Even from the distance, as soon as our gazes met, the female Noxian Transcendent seethed in rage as she shouted towards us.


Along with that shout of hers, numerous black feathers could be seen shooting towards our direction. The power contained in them was weak as she prioritized the speed to hinder us from leaving.

Even so, it would still not be enough to reach us considering the distance.

Though the other Noxian Transcendent following behind her was silent, his eyes contained the rage he was feeling at the moment. For sure, he wanted to slit our throats or stab us with that long blade he was gripping in his hand.

If that Marina could be said to be on par with Fleur in terms of her graceful figure, even if she\'s currently enraged, Benedict looked more like an edgy teenager whose hair was too thick that it covered most of his eyes. He also looked younger than I thought.

But yeah, even if they raged all day, they wouldn\'t be able to reach us. It hasn\'t been a minute and we already finished what we\'re here for.

When the 20-meter tall All-black Metagen appeared, I paid no heed to the two and picked Fleur up before jumping inside the opened cockpit.

She was about to respond to the female Noxian\'s enraged shout, but when she felt my arms enclosed her body, she stopped and allowed me to carry her.

Following that, I activated the Metagen using the remaining Meta Energy fuel in its engine.

As it whirled into activation, I took out the Totem and filled it with my Flux Energy.

If I surprised them by producing the Metal Giant, they became even more surprised when four identical Metal Giants appeared and instantly flew towards the incoming black feathers.

Using their Regenium swords, the Metal Giants effortlessly deflected Marina\'s spell before continuing on their way to engage the two Noxian Transcendents in battle.

The four Metal Giants in their eyes were, of course, the Phantasmic Doppelganger Clones.

With the enhancement of the Totem, each of the clones is strong as a normal Rank 1 Transcendent.

Upon becoming aware of their strength, the two promptly stopped flying as they became alerted at the pressure the four clones were giving off.

"What the hell? What kind of spell can produce clones like this?"

Marina incredulously questioned.

"That\'s not important. Get behind me, Rina."

Benedict pulled Marina to his back as he bravely faced the incoming four 20-meter tall Metal Giants.

He raised his long blade and cast a 9-nodes Darkness Elemental Spell.

His spell was instantly activated which produced two shadow-like clones of himself.

Of course, it\'s a clone that was weaker than him. His clones only have the strength of a Rank 5 Mortal. Even so, he didn\'t stop at two.

In a bid to match the four Rank 1 Transcendent clones, his long blade continuously shined and cast the same spell over and over. But with how little time he had on his hands, he could only produce 20 clones before the clash between the Metagen clones and them happened.

We could actually fight them right here and not be put at a disadvantage if I\'m only considering these two Transcendents.

However, I have to exercise caution against the Dark World denizens. Even if they\'re currently weak for our current strength, they\'re still a denizen of a higher world. They have various means that were still unknown to us.

Plus, the possibility of another hidden Transcendent is high as well. When the Noxians betrayed the world and sided with the foreign invaders, the World\'s Will now had no way to completely monitor them because of the interference of the Dark World.

She warned me back then to be careful if I clashed against the enemies. \'Wait for them to reveal all of their hands\', she said.

That\'s why I planned to only get in and go out as soon as possible after we stole the artifact.

We\'re already done with our objective. Sending the clone was just my way to gauge the true strength of the enemy. It\'s time to leave.

"Aren\'t you going to use the concealment, Daisuke?"

Fleur asked as she stood next to me to watch what was happening in front of the screen.

She was probably wondering why after waiting for its cooldown, I\'m not using it to escape.

"Ah. I will. I just wanted to test them. I\'m thinking of breaking through that."

I pointed at the Formation-covered sky of the Central Area. It\'s the one preventing anyone to enter from the sky. From how it was erected up there, I\'ve already noticed how dense the Elemental Energy that was being used to maintain it. Even so, it\'s not unbreakable.

We could go out the same way we entered but it will take several waiting times for the orb\'s cooldown again. Also, with how we had just killed their elites and stolen back the artifact, the whole Central Area will be chaotic and it would be hard for us to find a suitable place to hide.

There\'s also the option to just plow through anyone who would bar our way, but the risk is high.

Leaving through the sky and speeding off was the most plausible way to get out of the heart of the enemy\'s territory.

"I see. Do I need to do something?"

"No. Make yourself comfortable and watch me."

I said confidently. This is my way of showing off and appealing to her.

Upon deciding my course of action, I immediately moved to do it.

As the All-black Metagen burst upwards, the surrounding Elemental Energy were instantly gathered into a huge sphere. I grabbed the sphere and threw it forward.


An ensuing explosion occurred as the Elemental Energy transformed to Aether and drilled into it and right after that, a Swordforce-enhanced slash cut its way through the gap made by the Energy Sphere.

By utilizing the maximum energy output of this Ultimate Metagen, it\'s more than enough to break through that Defensive Formation.

When the Ultimate Metagen successfully got out of the Central Area, the Defensive Formation instantly repaired itself.

It\'s a self-repairing Formation and most likely a core on par with the artifact was used on building it. On how many Elemental Stones were being used to maintain it, I don\'t know.

Either way, it\'s not important right now. We\'re out.

I glanced at the two Transcendents that were still engaged in battle with the four clones.

They were glaring at us as if we killed their parents. And the rage they were feeling doubled as they watched the Ultimate Metagen slowly vanish in front of their eyes, unharmed.

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