The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 233 The Great Protector

Like I thought, upon urging her, Sofiel went to Arland and bowed to issue an apology for her earlier behaviour.

The other Luxians that came with her were all surprised by that display. They\'re most likely used to her higher than anyone attitude that they never thought they would see a day that Sofiel would be this subservient.

However, when they looked at me, I found a sudden strangeness at their gazes, my worth in their eyes increased and there\'s a clear slight reverence in it.

Is it because of how Sofiel acts because of me?

"Happy now, darling?"

"Un. Thank you for listening to me."

I smiled at her and thanked her truthfully. Though I\'m still confused at who she really is to me and about the sudden change in the way the eight Luxians looked at me, I can only wait for now until she explained everything to me.

"Anything for you… Even if you don\'t remember me yet, it\'s enough that I can finally see you again."

This girl... This devotion she was showing. How did I earn that, I wonder? Also, if she\'s already like this and that connection I felt with her, the possibility of her being the Orb Holder is almost certain.

And if she has memories about our past lives, will she be able to shed more information about the orbs?

The four orbs were all drawn towards me like they\'re all bound to be cross paths with me. Though they\'re not necessarily needed to be mine, those Orbs were certainly connected to my existence. Is it my possession in my previous life or there are more uses for the orbs than just Support buffs?

"If what you\'re saying about us is true, I\'m sure I will be able to remember you or at least, feel how special you are to me in one way or another."

Just like how I feel it with Yuko. I don\'t remember anything about us. However, with the short time we spent together, I realized how special she is for me.

Upon hearing my words, Sofiel smiled contentedly.

After telling Arland to stand in for the training of the elites that we left behind upon the arrival of the Luxians, Sofiel led us out of the city\'s vicinity and eventually arrived near the floating island that was parked not far away from it.

As we flew near it, the great visage of the enormous floating city finally came into our view. According to history I\'ve read from the Academy\'s Library, it\'s around 30 years ago when both Luxians and Noxians secluded themselves.

Well, it\'s not that long of a time but because of their sudden disappearance, the Humans and Elementals were left confused as for the reason why they did that.

If what Sofiel said is the truth, then the reason for the Luxians is this simple. To preserve their forces and wait for my arrival.

And if that\'s the case, someone must have told her about the upcoming invasion and my arrival.

It\'s the Principal again, right?

That sly old man became more mysterious once again. I doubt he\'s that simple. For his daughter to be the reincarnated Yuko, it\'s probably arranged to be like that. But who arranged it? And what\'s the real deal with him? Is he someone from a far earlier era? A reincarnator like us?

Well, that\'s probably impossible if the summoning to Otherworlds had just started recently.

Haa… I guess these questions call for another long talk with him once we go back to Earth.

Unlike the Noxians who just left the structures in their territory as is, when the Luxians secluded themselves, an enormous crater was found in their previous territory.

With this huge floating island in front of us, the mystery about that crater was finally solved.

Upon closer inspection, there\'s a spherical barrier barring further entry, but that\'s not a problem for us. The Rank 5 Mortals who came out with Sofiel lined up in front of us and cast the same spells directed at the barrier.

What they cast was a 6-nodes Elemental Spell which meant that only those at the Elemental Condensing Realm and above can possibly go out of the Floating Island. But yeah, this is probably the first time that they go out after carefully secluding themselves inside while steering the island away from the eyes of the other races.

After a few seconds of being hit by the spell, the surface of the barrier glowed in golden light before an outline of the door appeared on it.

Like a certain mechanism being triggered, the outline of the door opened from two sides, creating an opening where we could pass through.

Upon seeing that, Sofiel tugged at my arm before leading me in with her. Behind us, Fleur followed us warily.

"You don\'t need to be wary, I will never hurt darling. Those who want to hurt him will have to go through all the Luxians first."

With a smirk, Sofiel declared. But even with that declaration, Fleur only loosened her guard for a bit.

But yeah, the same as Fleur, entering an unfamiliar territory and with that kind of barrier, I already prepared myself for any kind of situation. I can\'t be too trusting even if it\'s almost certain that Sofiel is true to her words. Only with my Companions and those who I fully trust, like Fleur, will I be relaxed.

After we entered the barrier, the eight Luxians went ahead and cast another spell which created a solidified energy bridge for us to tread on. With Sofiel leading us, our feet landed on the bridge and proceeded to walk on it.

With the eight Luxians continuously extending the bridge through the use of their spells and Elemental Energy, we\'re like a super VVIP. What\'s left was a palanquin where someone would carry us to the other end.

After ten minutes of walking through the energy-made bridge, we finally reached the floating landmass.

Fleur and I already took in the breathtaking view of the whole Aves.

If not for the organized placement of the buildings and various structures, I would think that this place is mirroring the Noxian Capital.

Unlike that, there\'s no Central Area which separated the hierarchy in power but in the middle of the island, there\'s an elevated land wherein a tall white tower was erected. The Aristocratic Tower of the Noxians which we previously infiltrated couldn\'t be compared to it.

"I can now understand why you talked about taking the entire race under your palm… They\'re like slaves working for you."

I commented at Sofiel\'s side as we took the last step on the bridge. The eight Luxians already went ahead and lined themselves up on both sides.

"No. I didn\'t turn them into slaves. They\'re doing all this voluntarily. Look at them."

Sofiel pointed ahead. A few steps from where we first stepped on the actual land were a number of Luxians who were rejoicing at our arrival.

There were children, teenagers, young adults, adults and elderlies.

And what\'s strange is that the Luxians are not only rejoicing about Sofiel\'s return but for my arrival as well.

As we walked past them, their voices grew louder.

"Welcome Great Protector! You finally graced us with your presence!"

"The Lady\'s prophecy is finally fulfilled. The Great Protector is now here with us!"

"Oh, Great Protector!"

Great Protector. That\'s close to the literal meaning of my name, Great Helper, and they\'re all shouting it at my face.

This girl… Did she turn me into something like a Saint in all the Luxian\'s eyes? Then that\'s the explanation why the eight Rank 5 Mortals looked at me with slight reverence after knowing my identity.

"… What did you do, Sofiel? Great Protector. That\'s certainly pertaining to me."

I asked after passing through that crowd who were fervently trying to get both of our attention.

It\'s like we\'re heroes who went out from a campaign and were then being welcomed back from a triumphant battle.

Along the way, the Great Protector has become the most used word by the Luxians that even Fleur started to wonder what that means.

Only after arriving at the base of the elevated land which leads to the tall white tower did the tide of Luxians shouting with words of reverence ended. It\'s like that place was some kind of a forbidden area that the ordinary Luxians weren\'t allowed to step their foot into.

"Uhm. That\'s… I have an explanation for that but first, let\'s go in."

Sofiel put on a forced smile as if she was guilty about it. Only at this time did she let go of my hand before ushering us to enter the tower.

From the afar, the tower looked awe-inspiring but upon looking at it this close, it reminded me of a church.

From that reverence, they had towards Sofiel and me. Now I know how she got a hold of her entire race. How did they fall for it?

Upon entering the tower, Sofiel went ahead and put herself in the middle where an elevated podium was located. At both sides of the wide space of the ground floor of the tower, numerous Luxians who were at Rank 4 and above could be seen standing excitedly.

"Welcome to the Great Protector\'s Church, Daisuke, Fleur."

Sofiel started the welcoming greeting with a reverent voice which was instantly followed by the same reverent voices by those at the side.

"We welcome the Great Protector and his Mistress. The entire race is now at your beck and call. Please guide us from these troubled times."


Fleur stood speechless behind me while muttering the way they addressed her.

"There are not a lot of things which can make me speechless after awakening to my Adaptability. But this… Great job, Sofiel."

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