The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 283 Another Descent

With one of them dying and the other one held with the sword on his neck, destroying this Zone was smoothly done. The Dark World guards surrendered without a fight as they all wanted a chance at survival.

However, unlike the first one where I promised to let them live, it was different this time. Be it Dark World denizens or Noxian expendables, none was spared.

We were pressed on time because any minute, more reinforcements will come and deal with us.

After taking off the chain from her, the silver-haired Incarnation of the World\'s Will efficiently recovered. Likewise, once Orba stopped his resistance, the chain which restricted me was jointly assaulted by two Nullification Zones, one from me and the other from the World\'s Will. A minute later, it was ground back to a normal metal without any hint of Dark Energy in it.

"Let\'s not stay here for long. We should store the Dark Energy in the surroundings inside the Tank."

I suggested which Jayna instantly supported by nodding her head adorably. We had just finished a three-hour Absorption Session earlier and the amount of Energy we absorbed was more than our usual Energy intake each day.

There wouldn\'t be side effects to absorb more but the efficiency wouldn\'t be as good. We could save those for another day.

"You saved me, do what you think is best."

The silver-haired woman nodded as she collected the surrounding Dark Energy on her side, she then split it in half. One half went to the Tank while the other half was quickly converted to a large amount of Elemental Energy. It made numerous clouds that wobbly floated and gradually dispersed in the surrounding area, erasing the traces of Dark Energy that inhabited the place.

Despite being just an Incarnation, her Energy Control was still vastly superior to mine. If not for that chain that was highly effective against her, the twin Dark World Transcendents would have no way to push her to that corner.

Ten minutes later, two Tanks of Dark Energy were filled to the brim. Just looking at it put me in a good mood. Not only can I use those, but my girls will also have their share of a higher Energy resource.

Sofiel is currently the strongest among them but if she slacks off in her cultivation, Fleur and Nysia will pass by her in as little time as possible. That wife of mine also has a stash of Dark Energy resources there. Most of which were hoarded by Lucas and Julian. Old Man Liam and the Matriarch Lyra also have their own stash as well so she didn\'t need to share it with anyone. Well, maybe she\'s giving some to the three Heroes, she would need them to be stronger after all.

As being the only one in the 2nd realm of her Transcendent Pathway, Sofiel became the guide for the two girls who already started treading their Transcendent Pathway. Also, we decided to name the realm of the Elemental Transcendent Pathway to easily recognize it as well as for future reference.

Elemental Transcending Realm will be kept as the dividing realm between the Mortal and Transcendent Pathway. Transcendents in that realm are those who had just passed their Transcendent Trials. After the Glimpse to the Transcendent Pathway, the first realm will be called Elemental Reawakening Realm as it is true to its purpose. The second realm will be called Elemental Weaving Realm. It is the real start of combining the properties of both Elemental and another Pathway\'s properties after all. Weaving the two together, it would be a brand new area to be explored.

Despite being a Rank 2 Transcendent, Sofiel had been stuck at that entryway of combining her golden strings to become a thick golden thread. It has been 5 years but she\'s still barely halfway through conjuring another golden thread. Though it has the same properties as the Spirit Type, it didn\'t take on the same manifestation like Strands and Streams. Just by seeing the Strings and her Thread, the Spirit Type properties will be represented by a solid object.

"Where to next?"

I asked the World\'s Will who\'s waiting for us to pack up. Orba was already knocked unconscious and was interrogated thoroughly while I was storing the Dark Energy.

"We couldn\'t take that extra baggage. Let me…"

The silver-haired World\'s Will answered before stepping forward to the unconscious Transcendent. She put one of her hands on his head and started to flush out his stored Dark Energy.

A few seconds after she started doing that, a small blob of pure Dark Energy conjured above her hand. Jayna seeing that for the first time somehow had her face contorted when Orba woke up and started screeching as he tried to gasp for breath and held onto his Dark Energy that was being squeezed out of him.

However, the silver-haired World\'s Will held him down without any change in her expression as she continued to use her Energy Control against him.

True, she has started to feel emotions but it\'s limited to us. That red robes guy was an enemy who almost destroyed her Incarnation. After getting some answers from him, he already served his usefulness. There\'s really no point bringing him with us.

Two minutes later, the screeching sounds died down as the dried-up body of skin and bones lay lifelessly on the ground.

"I\'ve sent the next place through your consciousness. Rest for a day and let\'s attack simultaneously once more."

"Will you be fine? What if the same thing happened to you? Isn\'t it better to come with us?"

"Daisuke\'s right. It will be faster if we attack the same Zone."

"Let me think about it. For now, get somewhere safe."

After saying that, the silver-haired World\'s Will vanished in front of us. I don\'t know if she undid the Incarnation or teleported it somewhere but I guess I shouldn\'t expect her to come with us.

"She\'s weird for a World\'s Will. At least, she\'s a lot better than the one in our world."

Jayna tilted her head as she wondered. Calling her weird might be shorting it. I don\'t know how the evolution will change her but let\'s just hope for the best.

There\'s still a lot of Zones and I don\'t think the enemies would just sit around and wait for us to destroy everything they prepared for the takeover of this world. Tomorrow would probably become more intense than this.

"Well, she\'s a lot easier to talk to so I prefer her over that paranoid World\'s Will."

"Are you holding a grudge against a World\'s Will?"

"More like, I\'m annoyed at its nature of suspecting me of taking over his role."



Since the World\'s Will already left, we also didn\'t tarry behind and flew away from the two Zones we just destroyed to look for a place to stay for the night. Jayna was somewhat excited maybe because of what I promised her earlier. These following days where it\'s just the two of us was truly working in her favor. She has me all to herself.

And as we savored the night until we\'re both satisfied, I thought of letting the other girls have their turn once we\'re back from this mission.

Before turning in for the day, I used the 10-minute call to check on the situation on Aves. The skirmishes continued raging and casualties started piling up with their seemingly endless cannon-fodders. The Noxians joining them have already started to become less and less. However, the empty spots left behind by the dwindling numbers of Noxian Mortals were then replaced by more Mortal Ranks of the Dark World.

Just how big is their world that they could send more of them?

After asking about the situation on their side, we then reported the result of our first assault on the Zones. The death of the three enemy Transcendents and the possible suspicion that would be placed upon the Noxians when the two Dark Soldiers tell whoever\'s in charge what happened. They were sent as reinforcements but they went back with one of them seriously injured without even arriving at the place they were supposed to reinforce.

Once we\'re done with the current events, the remaining time was spent with Yumiko and Sofiel showing a fit of slight jealousy when they saw Jayna\'s current flushed appearance. They deduced what happened before the call and due to that, they started asking me when we will come back. Good thing Fleur only smiled politely behind them or else I would be barraged by the three charming girls.

The two were just trying to appeal to me. That\'s why, to answer to that, I promised them a day or two alone once we\'re done here. And as expected, the two expressed extreme joy. I would never go back on my words after all.

The call was already about to end when something else happened that immediately had us stand in attention.

From deep inside the Zones, another surge of Dark Energy washed over us. This time, it\'s even stronger than everything we experienced.

As if confirming the World\'s Will\'s guess, it originated from the place she suspected to be the location of the Portal.

Because we\'re near its location, I managed to vaguely deduce the origin of that surge of Dark Energy.

"Daisuke… Another surge just happened."

Sofiel muttered on the other side of the screen. Yumiko and Fleur also had a serious expression on their faces as they felt it to be stronger than the current Energy they could harness.

And Jayna which stuck to my side was trembling a bit from the pressure it brought her. I caressed her hair to calm her down before I answered Sofiel.

"That\'s most likely him. A descendant of a Great One…"

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