I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 413: Bose-Einstein Condensate

Chapter 413: Bose-Einstein Condensate

“It’s done.”

Inside the Spire Laboratory Base, Chen Chen had a strange helmet strapped to his head. He slowly opened his eyes, a cryptic smile surfaced on his lips as he did so.

If anyone was currently present in the Quantum Deity Laboratory, they would be appalled to see that Chen Chen’s expression was the same as Murphy’s before his passing.

Chen Chen took off the helmet and got up to stretch his sore back.

“Sir Godfather, the other informants of the Murphy family have been silenced as well.”

Little X reported, “Currently, the only informants remaining of the Murphy family who tried to target Blacklight Biotechnology are the handful of high-ranking officials in Northern America.”

“Don’t mind those officials. Northern America will never admit to their wrongdoings anyway.”

Chen Chen turned to look at the transparent figure inside the glass beaker beside him. He saw that the transparent figure had all but dissipated, turning into a puff of smoke inside the glass beaker.

When Little X saw this, she rubbed her chin like a grown adult, a quality of admiration showed in her eyes. “Although the ‘Bose-Einstein Condensed Matter Warrior’ is significantly flawed and can never be inducted into a proper combat troop, with certain modifications, it would become a great tool to manipulate humans. It may be more powerful than the God chip.”

“That’s right, once the quantum entanglement is established, it doesn’t need to be further maintained with any energy. A medium isn’t required to maintain this connection, which means nothing resembling an ‘umbilical cord’ that’s vulnerable to be intercepted is present. Even a lead Faraday barrier cannot stop it.”

Chen Chen nodded expressively.

The reason all of this could be accomplished had to be attributed to the movie Spectral that Chen Chen had downloaded previously.

The plot of Spectral revolved around the battle between an elite force from Northern America and the mysterious “Apparition”, set in a certain country in Eastern Europe.

The story appeared to be set in a parallel world, where a scientist from the Northern American National Department of Defense Advanced Optical Research Agency received a mission from the higher-ups. He was instructed to head to a military base set up by the government in Eastern Europe to help alleviate the ongoing issues.

The reason he was called for was because he was the one who had invented a class of hyperspectral imaging glasses that showed a mysterious, translucent, humanoid apparition that killed anyone almost instantaneously.

The victims died in unexplainable ways. Their skin seemed to be either scalded or corroded, but their internal organs would experience what seemed to be extreme frost. The Northern American government had suffered significant losses in its attempt to “protect” this city.

Not a single scientist in the National Department of Defense could come up with an explanation for this phenomenon.

To obtain field data at proximity, he led a team of carefully selected Delta Force soldiers by himself to enter the war-torn city for further investigation.

As he continued to make further contact with these “Apparitions”, he started to discover many unique traits they possessed.

For example, they were extremely mobile, could move through walls, and freeze people to death. However, they could not pass through glass and ceramic materials. Iron shavings had an almost adhesive-like quality on the apparitions, they would stick to these apparitions, effectively immobilizing them.

Additionally, these “Apparitions” were invisible under regular conditions and only revealed their form when subject to short-wavelength irradiation.

In the end, the brilliant protagonist finally realized that these so-called “Apparitions” were never any form of extraterrestrial entity in the first place. They were merely a class of weapons made from Bose-Einstein condensate.

Bose-Einstein condensate, otherwise abbreviated as BEC, was a matter state which existence was predicted by Bose and Einstein back in 1920, quoted as “a matter typically formed when a gas of bosons at low densities is cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero.”

Under this state, the quantum state of all atoms were converged into a singular quantum state. In short, regardless of the original volume or weight of a substance, they could be quantified as a singular atom at the lowest density by entering this BEC state.

In 1938, three scientists discovered that when helium-4’s temperature dropped below 2.2k, it became a new kind of fluid known as a superfluid. Superfluid helium had many unusual properties including sub-zero viscosity and the existence of quantized vortices inside its elements. They quickly realized that this bizarre state was none other than the Bose-Einstein condensate foresaw 18 years ago.

It was precisely because of these strange states that allowed it to be artificially quantum entangled. Scientists in this Eastern European country started to scan the human body with X-rays and use 3D printing technology to print the scanned human structure in an absolute zero temperature simulated environment. The product of this process was a “condensate human” directly resembling the person that was scanned.

The “condensate human” by itself was a lifeless entity. However, scientists were able to replicate a quantum entanglement relationship between the conscience of the scanned person and the associating “condensate human” using their quantum devices.

The “condensate human” itself was equivalent to a singular quantum that could also be understood as a wave function. Meanwhile, the self-awareness motor of human consciousness interacted with the wave function of the “condensate human”, triggering a wave collapse to form a stabilized body that could be manipulated using the host’s thoughts.

With this, the scanned target could lie idly somewhere faraway while controlling their respective “condensate humans” twenty to thirty kilometers away.

The wall phasing nature of the “condensate human” could be explained with the same principle as light being able to pass through glass. The high mobility was no surprise either since their structure was extremely light in density, only nearly ten times that of air. BEC also assumed a fluid state with viscosity, making it unobstructed by airflow when moving. This was how it managed to move across the air at high speed, even able to temporarily suspend itself mid-air.

Since ceramic and glass were non-conductive materials, the only material that could hinder these “condensate humans” were metal shavings since they were excellent electricity conductors. Metal shavings could release condensed energy and trigger a self-interference and short-circuit effect.

The explanation for “condensate humans” being lethal was due to the low temperature of BEC, bordering around absolute zero -273.15 degrees Celsius. Anyone who came in direct contact with these substances would find their body temperature dropping drastically. The internal liquid inside the victim’s body solidified nearly instantly, all the heat built up in the body had to escape somewhere which created a burning effect on the outer skin while heat seeped outward. This explained the strange phenomenon wherein the victim’s body was scalded on the outside but the organs inside were frozen.

These extremely low-temperature “condensate humans” could move freely in the outside world because when boson gas reached absolute zero temperature, the value of kinetic energy became almost negligible, therefore energy was never lost or evaporated.

In the final portion of the movie, they managed to locate a nuclear power plant. Since a tremendous sum of power was required to produce condensate matter and maintain them at sub-zero temperature, the nest of the “condensate humans” had to be at the center of the nuclear power plant. Once the protagonist cut off the device purposed to upkeep quantum entanglement, the “condensate humans” vanished entirely as they were unable to maintain their wave function state.

At the end of the movie, only human test subjects’ brains and their peripheral nervous systems remained in the ice coffins. Chen Chen could not find any verifiable proof that it was essential to remove their peripheral nervous systems. He deduced that the scientists only did it this way because they did not want hosts that could run away.

This meant that removing the peripheral nervous system was not essential.

Chen Chen figured he might as well do it his way. He first instantiated the device from the movie and attempted to figure out how he could perform a molecular scan on Buckle Murphy’s body to produce the appropriate “condensate human”.

This way, Buckle Murphy who was tens of thousands of kilometers away would establish a quantum entanglement effect with his “condensate body”. From here on, all Chen Chen had to do was to use his latest developed brain-computer interface technology to easily manipulate Buckle Murphy from tens of thousands of kilometers away...

It was only this form of quantum entanglement that could manage to bypass the lead Faraday barrier along with the quantum power system integrated into the quantum computer. After all, only quantum may rival quantum.

The quantum USB drive was the quantum trap that Buckle Murphy laid out by leveraging Samuel’s daughter, Annie. However, Chen Chen saw through this setup and instead had Little X install a Trojan program specifically designed to infiltrate the quantum computer and take advantage of the situation.

However, it was not Chen Chen’s intention to destroy the computer since the device was of great significance to all of mankind. What he did was merely provide himself a backup when he truly needed it.

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