A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Chapter 380

Other day!

If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.


For once again she succeed to get rid one girl.

Even the dummy could feel that, this time Yu Ao Tian trying to pull high her position. But she didn’t want to accept it, she didn’t want to accept any good intention from him, any kindness from him!!

Since the day he killed her mom, she only hope there will be only hatred between them.

“Prime Minister Qi, I feel little bit uncomfortable. I take my leave first.” at sudden, Yao Yao as if turned to be different person, with such charismatic attitude left her seat.

Directly she heading to wash room, her pair of hand is supported on the basin with rough breath spread into the in front mirror.

Suffocated, her stomach not uncomfortable. Why this man every words could make her feeling at loss?

Such losing herself? While him, he forever seems to be high up there, such composed?

Lift her head up, she sees her reflection which looked alike clown on the mirror, did Yu Ao Tian do it by intention? Just now whatever he said must be intentional right? Was it in order to see her lost herself?

How to make her look alike fool?

She could not continue like this, she could not let this man to mess up with her feeling, after all she wanted to revenge behalf her mother, she must from her inner self to ‘get winning chance’!

Suddenly she took two pieces tissue paper, quickly she wiped her mouth.

Just at this time….

“Are you Ex-girlfriend of Yu Ao Tian?”

Lifted her head up, at her back, it was Yu Ao Tian’s girlfriend standing behind her, she coldly looked at Yao Yao who reflect in mirror, her eyes filled with enemy aura.

Yao Yao not mindful throwing that tissue into trash bin, smiled and turned: “Miss, I don’t really understand what do you mean.”

“Wasn’t that girl on the news headline not you?”

“Me? Didn’t Director Yu say that person was you wasn’t he?”

“Hah, stop to pretend!” the girl fold his pair of hand in front, smiled: “You, and me both of us are women, woman’s intuition is most sharp, since Ao Tian entered the big hall his eyes never left your side not even once! Every words that he said, I don’t understand. I think, you must more understand the meaning behind than me right?”

That’s right, she is ‘too’ understand Yu Ao Tian every spoken words. But she is more willingly to be not understand alike this girl! As if by this way she could be happier.

“My apology, he is your boyfriend, you don’t know, I even more not understand. I take my leave.” Yao Yao coldly nodding her head, turned her body and left the wash room.

But the girl seems not willing to let her off following at her back: “Don’t you already have husband? Since you have already had husband it not good for yourself to seduce other man, by this way what different between you with those ** women? Your husband is someone who has status, background, he won’t be any less than Ao Tian, you don’t have to look at for the pot when you are not done with your bowl food!!!”

Does this girl sick?

When she seduced? Did she have any delusion or disorder because get hurt before? How could she think that Yao Yao is thinking about her Yu Ao Tian? Is she really thought Yu Ao Tian as Xiang Bo Bo*? anyone who sees going to like him?

Yao Yao is so irritated until she could not endure it anymore, suddenly she stopped her footstep and then said to that girl: “Rest assured, even though I am becoming open woman also I won’t go to seduce Yu Ao Tian!!!”

“What do you mean by yours words? Is it implied Yu Ao Tian not enough good?”

“.…….” did she say something wrong? Should she tell her… his boyfriend is the most awesome person, most talented person, or should she tell her that she could not endure not to have someone like her boyfriend?

And then, this girl going to say, humphed, you stop to think about Yu Ao Tian, Ao Tian only love me one person!

As the result should she leave by crying? By this way this girl might feel satisfied?


This is really too savage and absurd. Yao Yao dares to gamble, if this girl could stay beside Yu Ao Tian for more than three days than he must be not Yu Ao Tian anymore!

Helplessly shaking her head, better for her to move forward.

Suddenly that girl pulled her arm to stop her: “You better speak clearly!!!” a sharp voice echoed through the corridor.

Yao Yao finally understood, this girl was completely coming to seek trouble for her, speak clearly, the current girlfriend was so boring hence wanted to find ex-girlfriend trouble! The problem is, she wasn’t Yu Ao Tian’s Ex-girlfriend.

“Miss, please let go your hand, this is in public area.”

“You are still love Yu Ao Tian, aren’t you?”

“.……….” Oh My God, she not even like Yu Ao Tian, then where this love coming from? “let off my hand!”

“You bit**, you better speak clearly!!!” The woman voice even gotten higher and louder.

Yao Yao wanted to sway away this woman’s hand, helplessly because she grabbed her too firm. Yao Yao’s hand almost being printed red mark because her grabbed.

Just at this time….

“What’s matter?” one cold voice echoed from their in front.

The woman hurried let off Yao Yao’s hand which being grabbed before, sweetly smiled and said: “Nothing, I just having a conversation with this Miss.”

Hah, having a conversation?

Once she opened her mouth said ** woman, then said her as lowly** person! Really enough polite.

Yao Yao secretly rolled her eyes, her eyes keep on looking forward, every steps of her feet are showed her pride as woman. As if Yu Ao Tian who is standing in front of her not more than air.

And then, at the moment when Yao Yao passing Yu Ao Tian, coldly said: “Director Yu, your eyes that pick girlfriend…. every time is worse than before!!!”

“En?” Yu Ao Tian devilish smiled while his eyes keep on staring at the woman’s back which slowly go further away: “Hah…” drawn back his eyesight, he is taking out a bank note from his pocket, put it in front of that woman’s face.

“??? Ao Tian, What you….”

“My Ex-girlfriend seems not really satisfied with you, you, don’t ever show up in front of me anymore!”

“!!!!!” suddenly, Yao Yao footstep stopped as if posses she stay still at her current place, not even moving.

Every words that said by Yu Ao Tian, one word, one sentence are clearly heard by her ears.

At the moment when she slowly turned her head looking back, the woman has already left. While the next thing that spotted by her eyes only Yu Ao Tian devilish handsome face….

“You, you wanted to dump that girl, why you count me on my head (let me get involve)?” since the first time when she saw that girl, she was so affirm that Yu Ao Tian not really serious with that girl! But she never thought, he used such lame excuse to break with that girl!

Yu Ao Tian is devilish smiling, slowly walking in front of her eyes: “Bao Bei, you speak for yourself, since we met two years ago, whoever was my girlfriend which one not being chased out by you, anyway more one of her won’t be too much, less her one person won’t be less, don’t you think?”

“.…………” I’m impressed (negative way)! I do really impressed by you! Yao Yao really didn’t want to talk too much with him, faster she walking back to the big hall….

Inside the big hall, the men have already gathered into one group and talking about business; while the women are gathered talking while looking men.

Yao Yao is choosing to avoid the crowd sitting at the corner, simply to say she almost fallen asleep. Father in law and others still not yet leaving!

“Chen Rui, how is it?”

“Mom, don’t mention it anymore!!” This time, from one side of corner, it flown two familiar voices.

Yao Yao turned to have glance…. Lan Ni Pei? Feng Chen Rui? What this pair of lowly mother and son are talking such mysteriously? With her curiosity, she hiding behind the big pillar to eavesdrop.

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