A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Chapter 405

“Colonel NeMo!” A person who wear army uniform faster walking inside, with straight body and gave a salute: “It left about three minutes before the warship arrives to port, Great General Bing Ye has been waiting in port and preparing to do an inspection!” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“Order is accepted! Ask everyone to gather in the deck standby waiting for Great General Bing Ye’s inspection!”

“Yes!” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

After NeMo has deployed everything, quickly he looked at Yao Yao: “Come with me to the front deck.”

“En…” She followed Colonel NeMo to the front deck. azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

The first thing that entered Yao Yao’s eyes were soldiers who wearing complete attribute, they were standing and lining straight. Facing to the arrival port. azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

As followed their vision line, there were even more soldiers who are neatly standing at the port welcoming them.

When the warship was getting closer to the port, slowly putting down the ladder, NeMo was walking to the forefront, while Yao Yao is crept followed behind him. azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

“Colonel NeMo!” It is a deafening voice flown, the soldiers in the port uniform giving a military salute.

Suddenly NeMo’s footstep stopped, at this time, the soldiers that welcoming wide open the path.

As seen, someone who was wearing military white uniform slowly walking closer to them.

© 2011 – 2017 AZURRO azurro4cielo.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for azurro4cielo.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

From far away she saw, this man has same height with Yu Ao Tian at least he is 190cm something, that white military uniform seemed to be fit him very well with his figure, it was very obvious that he was different with others, by that way he looked to have real tone.

From among of hundred soldiers as it at one glance could be seen that he has very different position. This, perhaps what people called as aura. Doesn’t Yu Ao Tian also like this? He will always look so outstanding no matter where he is.

But as the man getting closer, subconsciously Yao Yao would be stepping back one step, and her body strangely shivering. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

This man has white skin tone, he has clear face, he has high nose and also moderate thick lips.

Unexpectedly this man pair of amber color eyes is the most terrified Yao Yao, simply to say almost as cold as an eagle’s eyes, sharp and there is no slightest feeling or warmness. azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

And the scariest from this man is the danger aura which radiating from his body, cold, and not friendly. Moreover the cold aura that he shows is not similar with Han Li Shang’s. azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

At least she still can feel little bit warmness from Han Li Shang, but in this man, she can’t see any slightest of warmness, as if he does not belong to this world. Perhaps gloomy and cold, these words slightly can describe about his character.

He is really…. Such scary man! translated and credit to azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

“Great General Bing Ye!” just at this time, Colonel NeMo kneeling with one knee, respectfully bending downs his body in front of this man. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

At the moment she looked all the soldiers, from the warships until at the arrival port, all of them are kneeling with one knee.

So, this man who radiating danger aura is the person who called as Great General Bing Ye!

Yao Yao restless looking left and right.

At this moment, that pair of amber color eyes slowly looking at her.

Oh…. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Yao Yao who lost her gasped, subconsciously she lowering her head. But she is not noticed….

At the moment when Bing Ye saw her, there was a startled and also shocked gleam in his eyesight!

“Colonel NeMo, she… who she is!” Coldly Bing Ye opened his mouth.

At the time when Yao Yao heard his speaking tone, Yao Yao little face changed to be dimmed, faster she raised her head and looked at that man who does not have slightest expression in his handsome face.

This voice….. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

It is…. It is so familiar sound!

As if this sound is so similar with the voice in her memory which as if coming from hell, it is a same voice which makes one hard to forget, that voice which can make one’s shivering.

Why, why this Bing Ye’s voice could be appeared all over again in her memories? Is it coincidence? Or….

“Great General Bing Ye, this girl was saved by us when we were having patrol!” azurro4cielo

That pair of amber color eyes for once again looked at Yao Yao: “Chinese?” translated:azurro4cielo

She nervously gulping her saliva, hurried she shaking her head, she used her fluent Japanese to give him an answer: “In reply, in reply to Great General Bing Ye, I… I am a Japanese.” credit to azurro4cielo

Bing Ye narrowed his eyes, suddenly turned his back. credit to azurro4cielo

Seeing that man’s back gradually leaving, she heaved a long sigh, honestly, other than Yu Ao Tian, this man is the second person who could make her to feel this fear. credit to azurro4cielo

At the time when Yao Yao wiping her sweats. Who knows, gradually Bing Ye who has been far away, spoke: “Colonel NeMo, bring that girl to my General Mansion!” credit to azurro4cielo

At same time Colonel NeMo and Yao Yao are exchanging their glances. “Yes… Yes…. Great General Bing Ye…”

“Colonel NeMo, why Great General Bing Ye asked me to go to his mansion?” She didn’t want to have any interaction with this man who radiating danger aura, she didn’t…. credit to azurro4cielo

“Sorry, I don’t know. Before I did do some rescue which wasn’t less alike this type of incident victims, but Great General Bing Ye never asked, this is first time he asked me, moreover he wanted me to bring you to General mansion. Just to let you know, Great General Bing Ye is someone clean freak, he never allows any woman to get into his General mansion!”

© 2011 – 2017 AZURRO azurro4cielo.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for azurro4cielo.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Weirdos clean freak? Could it mean that he cannot get close to any woman? credit to azurro4cielo

Then why he asked her to his mansion? Could it be, Bing Ye knew that she is a Chinese? credit to azurro4cielo

“Ne…. Colonel NeMo, can you tell me what kind of person Great General Bing Ye is, so that I understand how to face him later.” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“Let get in car, I will tell you slowly.” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“En.” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Ya Si Lan is country with strong military weapons, at same time they also have strong military base, the way they govern are different with Chinese, divides first rank Prime Minister, second rank Director, third rank Official officers and etc. But they are only have two ranks, one is Officers and the other is military. Military is always above their officers.

Bing Ye is ‘Military’ people and also person who hold the highest position, he is leading hundred and thousand big Generals! It can be said that one first have thousand subordinates! His status and power are as equal alike Chinese Vice Prime Minister! azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

Moreover Bing Ye isn’t born from the royalty background, but he just comes from an ordinary citizen that rare happened. When he was ten year old he has been so stand out as conspicuously brilliant, at his twenty he has already promoted. At twenty eight years old he has already be a Great General, and now at his 31 year old he can be said as the most legendary person in Ya Si Lan country. azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

And about his character, very similar with his name, cold and mysterious. Colonel NeMo never seen anyone seen Bing Ye’s smile, also never seen others expression of Bing Ye, continually he always shows that kind of expression, expressionless. Even his speaking voice is always so less, very less.

© 2011 – 2017 AZURRO azurro4cielo.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for azurro4cielo.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Colonel NeMo only can say this much to Yao Yao, after all the interaction between him and Bing Ye aren’t much, in addition if there is an event there will be a short contact or else it remaining as business. azurro4cielo

Sitting on the military car, Yao Yao is looking Ya Si Lan country’s scenery through window, country appearance.

The strange is…. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

After all she feels so familiar. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“Colonial NeMo, is there the world trade center?” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

NeMo looked the place where Yao Yao pointed, startled nodding his head: “How can you know? Have you ever come to our country before?” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Hah…. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

This is the most grief of hers, it is so obviously she never come to Ya Si Lan Country, but she is so familiar with its building. Why? azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

Heart, it feels a sense of restless, Yao Yao simply no longer seeing this wonderful country of Ya Si Lan.

Not long after that the car is slowly parked in front of Majestic Mansion. azurro4cielo

Here, it is located not far from Ya Si Lan’s palace, this Majestic building is Great General Bing Ye’s Mansion!

Standing at outside, looking at this magnificent building, it really fits to Great General Bing Ye’s character, all is so orderly, austere. azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

Colonel NeMo is speaking to the soldiers that guard in front and then bring along Yao Yao to enter Great General Mansion.

Inside the Mansion, there was a group of soldiers, at the moment when they saw Yao Yao entered the living room, they were looking her with strange eyesight. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

From this it could be seen that, Bing Ye indeed is someone who has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (neat freak), or else how could there a woman’s shadow in this house. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“Miss, you just waiting the Great General Bing Ye in here. I take my leave first.” NeMo brought Yao Yao to a room with elegant decoration. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

She smiled and then nodded her head: “Colonel NeMo, I have troubled you. Others, thank you for your kindness by rescuing me.” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“It’s okay.” After said, Colonel Nemo left. this is translated by azurro4cielo

She quietly standing inside the lobby, Yao Yao from time to time could see those soldiers that passing by were seeing her with surprised eyesight, could it be if she is the first woman who coming to Great General Mansion? After all they were looked so surprised! read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“Great General Bing Ye.” credit to azurro4cielo

“Great General Bing Ye.” Suddenly, there were soldiers sound flown from corridor.

At sudden Yao Yao felt her heart jumped to her throat, was Bing Ye coming? How should she face him? Should she smile? Or expressionless? read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Still in hesitation, Bing Ye with his single hand was holding his army cap and then with big stride he entered inner big lobby, a head brown hair with short haircut under the shining sun looked so interactive. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Yao Yao nervously staring at Bing Ye trying to measure him. translated by azurro4cielo

And then, since he entered the inner lobby, he looked askance, even when passing time with Yao Yao there was no expression. Until when he sat on his seat, he spoke Japanese language and asked: “How old are you?” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“Ah?” Once she heard Bing Ye’s voice, Yao Yao’s body streaming cold sweat. “Me, 19…. Years old.” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“Can you speak English?” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“Can.” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Perhaps Bing Ye dislikes to speak Japanese, directly he switched from Japanese to English: “Parent?”

“What do you mean?” Yao Yao not understood blinking her eyes. azurro4cielo’s translations

“Where is yours parent?” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Hah? Bing Ye spoke such pathetic, but… how could there a person directly asked other people where was their parent? Didn’t he feel strange? Didn’t this no any difference by directly asking whether someone’s parent still alive or death? “My parent has passed away.” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

At the moment when Yao Yao answered this question, Bing Ye’s pair of amber color eye wider for few times. “When did they pass away? Are you really sure that you born in Japan? Do you really can guarantee that you are 19 years old?” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

A man who is wordless suddenly ‘bla bla’ asking many questions, it really made Yao Yao little bit impatient, was Bing Ye doing family survey? Really such strange man. “My mom just passed away not long ago, my father has passed away long time ago. I am so sure that I born in Japan, moreover I am so certain that I am 19 years old.” translated by azurro4cielo. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

The short excitement that showed by Bing Ye suddenly dimmed down, his pair of amber color eye flashed: “I have informed the Japanese government, they will ask people to pick you.” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Hah? This won’t do, she is not a Japanese. “Great General Bing Ye, I, I can return to my country by myself.”

“Do you have passport?” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Cold sweat, this she did not have it, even she had it, she also not dare to show it, forget it, just wait for the Japan government’s men come and then she would follow them, when the time arrived, she would fly back to China. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Then how about Yu Ao Tian? Should she contact the China government to rescue Yu Ao Tian?

Yao Yao was haltingly thinking, but she didn’t notice that Bing Ye’s eyes wasn’t leaving her face.

‘pa, pa’ read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“Man!” Bing Ye coldly clapping his hand. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Two soldiers were hurried coming over: “Great General Bing Ye, what’s matter?” translated by azurro4cielo

“Bring her to the west wing’s room and let her to change clothes.” translated by azurro4cielo.wordpress.com

“Hah?” Both of the soldiers are surprised exchanging their sights, nervously lowered their head: “Under…. Understood. Miss… Miss, please follow us.” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Ugh, changing clothes? read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Yao Yao was lowering her head to see the torn clothes that she worn, she indeed needed to change her clothes. Never thought this Great General Bing Ye who looked so cold, heartless, could be this detail-oriented.

But, those two soldiers once they heard changing clothes, why were they nervous for? azurro4cielo

She is so confused following those two soldiers heading to the west wing’s room.

Those two soldiers were shivering when unlocked the door. “Miss, please. You can pick and wear whatever clothes you want to wear in inside.” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“Understand.” Big strides got into the room, the first thing that caught by Yao Yao’s eyes were one adorable pink room, one princess bed with high arched curtain, a pile of dolls piled up in middle. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Opened up that huge closet, inside there are many cute and also beautiful clothes hanging. azurro4cielo’s translations

There are few of clothes that seem to be baby clothes, there are also one to two years old clothes, whatever inside there are many clothes from many difference ages, but those clothes looked like to give little girl wears are old ones, perhaps it has worn before. But on contrary the clothes for adult are completely new. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Strange, isn’t Bing Ye someone who has serious OCD? Why in his house there are girl wardrobe, girl’s clothes? She thought Bing Ye was asking her to change into man’s military clothes. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Could it be, Bing Ye strange OCD only for women, or else….

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