Seized by the System

Chapter 754: The Truth

Chapter 754: The Truth

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Sir System wanted to meet this mysterious woman but Vigilante A had searched every corner of the earth for the past two days and there was still no sign of her.

Bai Shixin did not elaborate on where the woman went but only said that an immortal like this comes and goes as she pleases.

He was only able to follow orders but was unable to obstruct her actions.

It was like this woman, who orchestrated the diminishing of Vitality, had vanished from Earth.

Black Dog tunneled to and fro but could not find any trace of her.

“This is horrible, she is actually deep in hiding,” Sir System said with some embarrassment as he felt a gloom similar to that of a dog unable to catch a rabbit.

“Isn’t that normal? Those wicked devils had hidden themselves well the last time too. You might need to update your System Map again,” Fang Ning said condescendingly.

“Nope. You’re not doing enough as a detective, you need to continue your work,” Sir System was not about to give up.

“You should forget about it. This woman in the video had mentioned Vitality conservation, to cut down wastage and to recycle. She does have a point. Vitality is a resource that is a billion times more precious than water, we should increase it and reduce wastage. She’s not destroying the world, what would you do even if you manage to find her? You can’t very well offend her because of this, it would be a waste of time,” Fang Ning questioned Sir System.

“You are willing to believe her just like that? What if she was just sweet talking everyone and is, in fact, a thief who is stealing Vitality to benefit herself at the cost of the rest of the world. As a hero, I should put a stop to it,” Sir System was adamant about it.

Fang Ning was speechless at those words and was surprised by them, “Wow, Sir System, you have actually given thought about it.”

“I’m pretty sure you did too but was just too lazy to bother,” Sir System hit the nail on the head in regard to Fang Ning’s honest thoughts.

“Erm, you do understand me. This involves the world, so it’s better we hand it to Ren Ruofeng and his team to investigate,” said an embarrassed Fang Ning.

“Now that you mention it, it does seem strange that something major such as this matter, which is definitely a special and unique emergency case, has yet to garner any attention from the Truth Department. There isn’t even any sign of a notice sent to us,” Sir System questioned suddenly.

Fang Ning was caught by surprise. He had been too lazy to bother about this as his character was lackadaisical by nature. If he was able to avoid any work, he would be happy to do so.

Now that Sir System seems to be determined to get to the bottom of the matter, he had no choice but to be serious about it.

He immediately realized many strange things about this case after giving it some thought.

As a Lake-level super spirit intellect, he immediately came to his senses.

After a moment of thought, he had a brainwave and said in all seriousness, “Now I understand. If I’m not wrong, the reason the Truth Department had not reported this matter to us is because they have a stake in this case. We place importance on the people, and they are not willing to be in conflict with us, so they have chosen to turn a blind eye to everything in order to let things slide quietly and remain uninvolved. Sigh, you must remember that in this world, only you and I are on the same side and there isn’t anything to hide between us. I can’t say the same about others. You might be friends yesterday, but if there was a conflict of interest today, you would turn into enemies.”

“This is so disgusting! Mr. Rich Boss, you are right, we do not have the same stand as they do. It’s lucky that we did not rely on Ren Ruofeng to give us pointers on the matter. They are actually in cahoots with the Vitality robber. You may know a person’s face, but you would never know his heart, this is such a great disappointment to me,” Sir System said angrily.

“Don’t get too emotional, there might be something more than meets the eye,” Fang Ning only wanted to prove his importance and didn’t expect Sir System to take his words so seriously, he was still a naïve, honest system...

“What more can there be that meets the eye? Mr. Rich Boss, what you said is definitely the truth. I’m going to find Ren Ruofeng to get an explanation!” Sir System said in a rage.

Vigilante A turned around and went towards North China where the Truth Department was situated.

Within a few minutes, he was kicking the glass at Ren Ruofeng’s office, shattering it, and stood in front of him...

The loud noise shocked Ren Ruofeng, who was busy going through some documents.

With his level of ability, he was unable to sense the arrival of Vigilante A.

This was especially so since Sir System’s cultivation has attained a high level and was now at one with Heaven and Earth. Someone with even a slightly lower ability than he would not able to sense his existence.

“Erm, Venerable One, why would you do this?” He looked at the shattered glass on the floor with a grievance.

“Ren Ruofeng, I acquainted myself with you because you are a man of honor. I had never expected you to be in cahoots with the Vitality Robber. This is truly despicable!” Vigilante A said coldly.

Ren Ruofeng immediately understood the situation after hearing his words.

Feeling wronged, he said, “Venerable One has misunderstood me, how am I capable of conducting such injustice?”

“I’d definitely like to hear how are you going to explain this,” Vigilante A said lightly.

“Ten days ago, Old Master Ma came to us and told us that an immortal was here. She taught him the Vitality Gathering Formation, which was able to control the Vitality everywhere by gathering scattered Vitality into one place for us to conduct centralized management for it. This would help us avoid many different strange happenings...” Ren Ruofeng left nothing unturned and told him everything.

“Then why didn’t you mention anything before?” Vigilante A asked suspiciously.

“Venerable One is always on the road and has been busy with trying to get the River of Blood to create life, so we didn’t want to disturb you. We didn’t expect this to create such a big misunderstanding. We would definitely communicate immediately the next time something like this that involves the outside world happens. This way, we will not waste any of your precious time,” Ren Ruofeng said helplessly.

“You mean to say this is all just a misunderstanding?” Vigilante A said lightly.

“It’s all a misunderstanding,” Ren Ruofeng confirmed.

“Oh, then it looks like I have wronged you. The information I received from Bai Shixin was not complete,” Vigilante shook his head.

“Bai Shixin is just a minor demon king. There would be many things that he would not know. All he knows is that the immortal needs to borrow their city’s ley lines to deposit the disappearing Vitality but he is not aware of the real intentions behind it,” Ren Ruofeng explained.

“I see, if you want to plan the management of Vitality, then it naturally falls under working matters, I will not interfere with it. If there was someone really stealing or robbing Vitality and jeopardizing the well-being of the people, then I will not let them get away so easily,” Vigilante A gave a powerful statement.

“We definitely would not,” Ren Ruofeng replied firmly.

“Good. Then I will be on my way. Oh yes, by the way, this is to pay for the glass I shattered,” Vigilante A turned to leave and threw a stack of money on Ren Ruofeng’s table.

“Erm...” Ren Ruofeng watched as his shadow slowly disappeared and looked at the stack of money with mixed feelings, there was a look of determination on his face.

Not long after, the office door opened.

A commotion as big as that was naturally difficult to hide from people.

Hong Yunjiao pushed the door open. She was well aware of what just happened. After all, she was in charge of China’s Nets Above Snares Below. She was savvy about anything that happened on the grounds of the Truth Department.

“Hmph, isn’t your conscience hurting from lying to the Venerable One like this?” Hong Yunjiao said gently.

Ren Ruofeng gave a long sigh, “What else can I do? That immortal is all-knowing but she has a hidden agenda. She claims to increase Vitality and reduce wastage... Hmph, she may fool others but she can’t fool me. I’m just not looking to callously create friction with the Venerable One, so all I can do is to take this burden. Among all the powerhouses, the Venerable One is the only powerhouse who stands on the same side as we do. Before he grows into the level of the gods, sages, immortals, and Buddhas, I don’t want him learning of all this darkness behind the scenes and have him declare war on all of these sanctimonious people. No matter win or lose, it will be a major catastrophe.”

Hong Yunjiao shook her head and looked at this man. His words were the real truth.

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