Phoenix Phire

Chapter 595 - Pure Rat

Nix and Pon watched the breach as the guards from the frozen city helped usher in the \'once dead\' into New Dharta. Felid Sah and the occupants of the caverns had been brought in first. As the remaining citizens entered the city, they were reunited with their families and directed toward appropriate housing.

"What\'s up with you?" Pon wasn\'t one to intrude into another man\'s thoughts, but Nix had an air of gloom surrounding him.

Nix shook his head slightly; the \'once dead\' were weighing heavily on him. "I think that six years isn\'t much."

Pon watched the families as they came back together. The \'once dead\' already knew what happened to them and how long they had remaining. Instead of complaining, most of them wore wide smiles as they hugged their loved ones. "It isn\'t much," Pon agreed. "Six more years than they already had. In their shoes, I\'d be doing fucking cartwheels."

Nix chuckled at the old man\'s words. "I\'d pay money to see you do a cartwheel."

Pon leaned back against the railing of the small footbridge. The water was running once again; the city had a warmth that it hadn\'t experienced in several years. "They were dead when we got here, and now they ain\'t. It\'s a win in my book."

[Khione has once again targeted you. Your Archon abilities have been suspended.]

Nix stared at the message for a long moment; according to his math, the protection from the Greater Houses should have lasted a few more days. "Shit... The curse is active again."

"Shouldn\'t you have another 8 or 9 days?" Pon followed Nix as the Inferno Leader changed directions. "Fuck that Ice Bitch. She lost a city, two of the Bo\'raz thirds, and the Corrupt Chancellor."

Nix stepped onto the gating platform and paused.

/Inferno: Nix: Take charge, Bali. I\'m heading back to Haven until morning.

/Inferno: Bali: Understood! Captain Bali has it under control.

[War Quest: Stealing Old Verynzai has been completed]

The Dragon City Master Emblem has been sent to your inventory.

[Dragon Master Emblem: Council Member]

(Soul Bound) Description: You have managed to power up all of the existing Dragon Cities. You are now free to travel unheeded from one city to another. All Dragon Cities will share power resources regardless of their location.

When Nix touched the emblem, it disappeared in his hand; immediately afterward, a new icon blinked onto his hud. It was the green silhouette of a dragon. When he activated it, a list of all the Dragon Master Cities popped into view. At the top of the list was a name he had heard before, Tembai Academy. "Looks like I can instantly travel to any of the dragon cities."

"Could be handy when you decide to steal the rest of them." Pon\'s old face creased into a grin. "Let\'s get the fuck out of here."

[War Quest: Locate the Artifact has been updated]

Semmi, Jun Li, Wind, and Donri were seated around the conference table studying Colonial\'s frozen Holo when Nix and Pon arrived a few minutes later.

The blonde officer hugged the old mage before turning her focus on the Inferno Leader. "The Jhabi War Camp is making quick work of the howlers surrounding Lord Parux. We\'ll be ready to take him down in a day or two."

Nix stared at the map; the anomaly in the northern area was clearly marked. "I want to hold off until Oasis is on their last regional lord."

Semmi pursed her lips slightly and shared a glance with Jun Li. "What\'s your reasoning?"

"Once we\'re done wrapping up quests, we can bring everyone back to Haven and then get ready for one last push. I want all three planes on the last regional lord. Then we\'ll take them down and roll right into the first WB."

Jun Li zoomed in on the anomaly. Since Sinfaya\'s initial report regarding the phenomenon, Inferno had kept guards posted in the area. "My question is, why isn\'t there an anomaly in Everspire."

Semmi shrugged slightly. "At this point, we have more questions than answers."


A few hours later, Nix leaned comfortably against Del\'s side while trying different combinations of animator queues. The Stalker was lying on the living room sofa while Nix sat on the floor and used the purring feline as a backrest. The Turtle House was quiet; its only other occupant was sleeping peacefully in the Master Bedroom.

[Nether Rat: Emperor][Nether Rat: Emperor][Nether Rat: Emperor][Applied Minaturization Text: .25]

Nix frowned at the animator interface. He thought shrinking down one of his Nether Rats would be a simple process; in some cases, the Emperor Rat was a bit too large. Although getting Nether Rat pelts was ridiculously cheap and easy, sacrificing the time spent to make three emperors seemed foolhardy. "I can\'t believe shrinking a Nether Rat down takes three Emperors."

Del pushed her soft muzzle into the side of Nix\'s neck before licking his face with a warm, soft tongue. "Shrink it earlier when the puppet is a lower level."

"The logistics of that is a pain in the ass since the smaller form isn\'t inherent. It reverts to normal size the moment I don\'t add the miniaturization text." Nix flicked the large cat\'s nose with his finger. "What\'s with you and face licking? You\'re an Ain\'Dhassi ranger."

"Perhaps I\'d do it even if I was still dhassi."

Nix smiled at her words. Licking faces wasn\'t something Del Tali would have done. After staring at the queue for a few minutes, he touched the activate icon.

[Critical Crafting]

Pureblood enhancement has been added to your animator interface.

You have created a better Rat. Please name your creation.

The Inferno Leader sat up straighter; his former smile widened into a grin that threatened to consume his face. "Rat King!"

Rat King (SS)

Nix picked up the black rat and examined it. Combining puppets always resulted in a size increase. The .25 miniaturization only managed to shrink the rat by half.

Rat King (SS)

Description: The final evolution of the Nether Rat. Since no enhancements were added during the process, this pure bloodline may be used to enhance future crafting. The keen intellect of this animation enables it to use all hud interfaces and artifacts.

[Rat Army] Summons all rats within range to fight on your behalf.

[Rat Pockets] This animation has a limited inventory. Be advised, anything in the Rat King\'s inventory will disappear if he is slain.

[Dead Rat] Pretend you\'re dead and lose all aggro.

[Rat Vanish] Become completely undetectable.

Nix whistled softly while looking at the abilities of the Rat King. "You like it, Del?"

Del\'s blue cat-eyes stared at the Rat King. "It looks like a normal rat."

Nix inhabited the puppet and immediately experienced a momentary sense of vertigo. "Inventory is small, only a few objects... Optics are enhanced. What do you think?\'

Del sniffed the Rat King; to her enhanced senses, it looked and smelled like a normal rat. There was no sense of danger or enhanced abilities. "You look tasty."

Nix chuckled and hopped up on the coffee table. Unexpectedly the green dragon icon was still visible on his hud. He touched the icon with his rat paw displayed the list of Dragon City destinations. "Eventually, I\'m going to add one of these as an enhancement to the ring Darsi gave me. The Rat King will give me another form to go alongside the Phoenix and Basilisk."

Del watched as the Rat King collapsed on the table. "What ring did Darsi give you?"

"This one."


Ring: Unique Item.

Description: Adapts the heat signature

of the wearer to whatever environment

they are in.

Any further conversation was stopped when Tai\'Qui\'s holo popped up in front of them. Nix stowed the Rat King and stood up. Tai had told him earlier that she wished to see him.

The Earth Dragon had her hair tied back with a green bandanna. She wore a simple white buttoned shirt with brown leather leggings. "Is now a good time, Nix?"

Nix nodded, and a moment later, a breach appeared. "Coming, Del?"

"I decline. Mud and fur don\'t mix well..." Del padded toward the staircase. "I\'ll let Hyai when she wakes up."

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