Thriller Paradise

Chapter 485

“Ha ha ha ha ha... USL (Universe Superhero League), you are finally here!” The person laughed before he finally spoke.

“Who are you?” The Tap Monster shouted at the screen.

“Hmph... You are truly frog under the well to not know my name.” The man scoffed. “I am the great brilliant scientist, Professor Sui Sui Sui Sui [bad luck]!”

[Jesus... Just how much your parents hate you to give you a name like that...] Feng Bujue thought.

“You managed to hack into this spaceship’s transmission channel?” Pi Li Dance Hero looked at the man and said darkly.

“Ha ha ha ha!” Professor Sui laughed. “Of course, nothing is simpler than that!” he paused and assumed a wicked expression. “Listen, superheroes, it is my advice for you to mind your own business. Turn back now or else...”

“Oh? Is that a threat?” Pi Li Dance Hero interrupted. “So... you are the person who is behind this threat?”

“Hmph... you managed to discern that at first glance, you are quite clever, don’t you...” Professor Sui scoffed.

[What the hell. What does that even have to do with cleverness?] Feng Bujue held his tongue but his heart was racing like crazy, [Someone like you basically had the words ‘I am the villian’ written on your face already.]


“At this point... there is nothing for me to hide anymore.” Professor Sui continued, “Yes, my true title should be the great, evil, invincible and brilliant scientist... Professor Sui Sui Sui Sui. That has a better ring to it, no?”

[What is the purpose of all this?!] Feng Bujue was truly worried about the man’s IQ. [What has the previous conversation served? The difference is just the words evil and invincible? Why don’t you just surrender yourself now?]

“What is your intention?!” The Tap Monster questioned.

“ha ha ha ha... you will find out soon enough.” Professor Sui said before he ended the communication. During their conversation, the spaceship had lowered quite a bit. By then Pi Li Dance Hero had changed the spaceship’s travelling mode and he changed to autopilot that was more suitable for flying within an ozone layer. After doing all that, Pi Li Dance Hero said, “This Professor Sui sure is arrogant, looks like this will be a hard mission.”

The Tap Monster added, “Hmm... After all, this is a Grade C event. But just how serious it is, we will need to confirm with the local government that sent out the distress signal.”

“Erm... Gentlemen...” Feng Bujue finally could not hold it in anymore and reminded from the back. “Since the man managed to hack into the Curry’s com system, it means that our location has already been exposed, right...” When hearing that, the two in the front froze.

“The man knew our location but did not attack us, that is very illogical...” Brother Jue continued, “Of course, there’s a possibility that he is limited from launching an attack, for example... he is located at the other side of the planet and is no threat to us temporarily; or rather he has no attack that can hit objects in the air, so... he resorted to this threat through the communication screen.” He paused. “But... he said confidently that we will soon ‘find out about his intention’, so there... can only be the three possibilities...” he raised three fingers. “1, he has confidence that he can swiftly apprehend us when we landed; 2, the ‘danger’ that he created has spread through the whole planet so no matter where we land, we will be affected; 3, he is bluffing the whole time...”

Feng Bujue paused for a few seconds as if waiting for the two superheroes to process his words and then added, “I personally believe, the chance of the second situation is higher, followed by the first. But no matter what, it all points to the fact that we might be in for some kind of danger soon...”

“Oh, you are a genius, the Poker!” The Tap Monster gasped in shock as his eyes widened.

“Ah... No, no... I’m just analyzing using the logic...” Feng Bujue was not being humble but the men did not give him a chance to continue... Even the Pi Li Dance Hero saw in awe. “So other than superpower, you are a superhero with ‘super intellect’?”

[Are you trying to tell me that the sentient creature in this universe has an average IQ of below 80...?] Naturally Feng Bujue did not say that out loud but he mocked internally. [No wonder the professor would praise your intellect... But is this kind of worldbuilding really workable? How did you people actually manage to get to space age? Through historic advancement via the sacrifice of several great minds?] At that point, his expression shifted, [Hmm... wait a minute... now that I think about it, that seems normal... In real life, human technology has also been advanced by those who are at the top of pyramind...]

The Tap Monster did not notice the change to Brother Jue’s expression. He continued. “The Poker, you might not know this but the Earth has not had an super intelligent superhero in a long time already. And superheroes that possess both intellect and superpower is in space are also quite rare throughout the universe!”

“He he... He He... So I am that valuable?” Feng Bujue laughed drily.

“Of course! Currently there are only two super intelligent superheroes in the league and they are within the league’s highest committee.” The Tap Monster explained, “They are Toad Man and Tinfoil Man.”

[What is up with those names...] Feng Bujue thought to himself.

“Even though they have no superpower, they have immense intellect.” The Tap Monster continued to explain. “And they are very rich, their wealth in basically endless. At the start of the league’s foundation, before we have any sponsor, it was the two of them who supported the running of the whole organization.”

[How come that sounds so familiar...] Feng Bujue mumbled internally, [And... why this man is so eager to share so much details when I just prompted him slightly... The NPC in this world is so easily to get information out off.]

The Tap Monster was not yet done. “Toad Man, real name Wayne Bruce, he is the single son of the billionaire on the Planet Manhattan. When he was young, Wayne witnessed his parents murdered by villains before his eyes, then he swore to wipe away all trace of evil so that other children will be spared the same fate. For that, he visited many tears and mastered various detective and fighting skill. With the aid of Wayne Corp, he produced many high tech gadget and started his war against evil. In the day, he is a ladies’ man with more cash that he can spend but at night, he is the Dark Knight that cause shiver to run down the spine of all the villains that hear his name—Toad Man.”

[Is it really fine to ‘borrow’ Batman’s background so openly like this? Are sure it’s fine for you to tell his real name just like that? And... why Toad? Why? It makes no sense at all!] Feng Bujue was about to burst. He wanted to shout but he could not...

“Tinfoil Man...” The Tap Monster continued, “Real name is Stark Tony, he is the heir to the Tony Corp. He came from the Planet Mud who was famous for their technology. He is a well known military arms dealer, physicist, engineer, philanthropist, inventor, adventurer, millionaire and a playboy. With his own design of a body suit, it provided him with superhero’s strength, flight and many weapon system allowing him to fight evil. And the source of his power is the mini Arc Reactor at the front of his chest...”

“Erm... I will need to interrupt...” Brother Jue couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Then... why is he called Tinfoil man? Is his armor...”

“Yes, that’s right. The basic material to his armor is made up from the super tinfoil that he invented.” The Tap Monster answered. “This material is very light and is as strong as a superhero’s tights. And it resist pressure and temperature. Combine that with his nano grade technology, it can...”

“Hey! Look!” Then, Pi Li Dance Hero who was piloting interrupted them. He pulled one of the smaller screens up. “This is taken by the ship’s surveillance...” he said nervously. “What are those on the ground?”

The Tap Monster instantly turned around and gasped. “This... I don’t think they are the military’s official mechanized unit...”

Feng Bujue looked at the screen and he saw on the yellowish ground below the spaceship, there was a large shadow that was slowly moving... Upon closer inspection, one could tell it was a large army made up from robot beasts. They had different shapes and sizes. They were moving at high speed on the ground...

[What in the world is this...] Feng Bujue groaned. [Couldn’t you have come up with a zombie army or something... How do you expect us to deal with a robot beast army? Speaking of which, why are you villains so rich?! Couldn’t you have used the same money to do something more meaningful?]

“The coordination of the emergency signal is not far from here. I will now change to manual pilot mode.” Pi Li Dance Hero said as he took over the controls. “Tap Monster, try to contact the local government.”

“Understood.” Tap Monster answered as he picked up the communicator. He pressed a few buttons and then waited for 10 seconds. “Strange... I can’t find any signal.”

“Probably the government has hidden their signal to hide their loca...” Pi Li Dance Hero did not finish because he saw the base with his own eyes at the halfway point.

“Hmm...” Feng Bujue looked down the distance and said darkly. “Looks like we’re too late...”

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